Partnership Opportunities

Implementing the Strategy will require ongoing collaboration with key partners involved in its development, including:

  • Elders, Traditional Owners, Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate (RNTBCs) and their peak representatives, including Gur A Baradharaw Kod Torres Strait Sea and Land Council
  • PNG Traditional Inhabitants (via established Treaty consultation mechanisms)
  • Local communities, through community-based Rangers
  • Research organisations, scientists and technical experts
  • Commonwealth, Queensland and Local Governments
  • Neighbouring regional NRM bodies and statutory authorities, including the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

There will be opportunities for existing and new partners to support ongoing and future land and sea management in the region, including through:

  • Revising the Strategy every 10 years
  • Identifying priorities and opportunities for future investment in land and sea management in the region
  • Developing, implementing and reviewing community-based plans and initiatives (e.g. Dugong and Turtle Management Plans, Indigenous Protected Area Plans of Management, Working on Country Ranger Plans and similar mechanisms)
  • Developing and updating the state of the environment report card and island land and sea profiles, and
  • Updating resource information via the E-Atlas online portal.