Torres Strait Development Plan

The Torres Strait Development Plan 2023-28

About the Development Plan

The TSRA produces a Development Plan every 3–5 years. The Development Plan sets out the Board’s Vision and Priorities for the TSRA, as an Australian Government agency.

The TSRA Board sets the organisational vision and priorities in their capacity as the elected representatives who oversee the TSRA.

The inclusion requirements of the Development Plan are set out in section 142D of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005 (ATSI Act 2005). The aim of the Development Plan as stated in the ATSI Act 2005 is to improve the economic, social and cultural status of Torres Strait Islanders, and Aboriginal persons, living in the Torres Strait area.

The Development Plan outlines the strategies and policies that the TSRA intends to adopt in order to implement the Plan.

This Torres Strait Development Plan 2023–2028 supersedes the Torres Strait Development Plan 2019–2022.

The Strategic Priorities of the Development Plan

  1. Strong Regional Partnerships and Governance
  2. Globally Resilient Communities
  3. Growing Sustainable Economies

Accessing the Development Plan

The Plan can be downloaded on this page.

Hard copies of the Plan are available at all TSRA offices and ranger offices.

Questions about the Development Plan can be sent to: