abbreviations, 163-164

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005 (Cth), 79, 80, 99, 101

disclosure of sacred matters, 113

enabling legislation, 76, 77

functions and powers under, 77, 78

requirement to convene board meetings, 97

requirement to develop a plan, 12, 76

requirement to hold elections, 53, 85

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 1989 (Cth), 76

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service, 61, 63

accidents and injuries, staff, 7, 110

accountability, 107-108

accountable authority, 15, 85

advertising and market research, 147

affordable housing project, Horn Island, 57, 58

age, of Torres Strait region population, 73

Ailan Kastom, 35, 60, 69, 77

analysis of performance against key performance indicators, 16-20

annual performance statements, 15-20

anthropological research re Native Title claims, 40

appropriation programme expenditure, 14; see also financial statements

Arpaka Dance Company, 35

art centres, regional, support for, 35

Artist Forum, 18

artists, support for, 18, 35; see also Gab Titui Indigenous Art Award, 10th

Arts and Creative Industries Business Growth Package, 23

asset management, 112-113

Assistance with Tertiary Education Scheme (TSRA employees), 8, 52

Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Qld), 63

Assure Programs, 110

Attorney-General’s Department, 61, 63

Audit Committee, 52, 85, 101-102, 108

Auditor-General, 107; see also Australian National Audit Office, independent audit report

Australian Bureau of Statistics, 69, 71

Australian Electoral Commission, vi, 2, 54

Australian Fisheries Management Authority, xiii, 32

partnership with, 30

Australian Government funding for Major Infrastructure Programme, 20, 56, 59, 62

Australian Government Public Service Modernisation Fund, 113

Australian Information Commissioner, 111

Australian National Audit Office, independent audit report, 107, 116-117

Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security, 31

Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, partnership with, 4, 53

Australian Rural Leadership Programme, 4, 52


Badu Island, 4, 35, 47, 53, 61, 85

Katter Leases, 40

Badulgal People, Native Title claims, 40

baitfish fishing industry, potential for, 30

Bamaga, 46, 53, 54, 71-75, 85

barge ramp repairs, 20, 61

bêche-de-mer fisheries

catch statistics, 17

traditional ownership of, ix, 17, 30

bilateral meetings (Torres Strait Treaty Cycle), xi

biodiversity planning and management, 47, 104; see also Environmental Management Programme


composition, 76, 85

elections, vi, 2-3, 53-54

engagement with governments, vi, 19

functions, 85

induction programme, vi, 3, 99

meetings and attendance, 97-98

members, 85-97

training and education, 99

Board Charter, 98, 99

Board Member’s Code of Conduct, 98, 99

Board strategic workshops, 4, 52, 99

Boigu Island, 4, 46, 47, 53, 56, 61, 85

Katter Leases, 40

mapping traditional totem boundaries on, 44

business loans, 16, 22, 25

business support services, 22, 23

business training, 16, 22, 23, 25


Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, 35

Cape York Land Council, negotiations re Native Title claims, 40

capital works projects, 113

case studies

Evolution: Torres Strait Masks exhibition, 37

meeting the challenge of climate change, 49-50

safe drinking water supply, 58-59

Saibai seawall project, 64

10th Gab Titui Indigenous Art Award, 38

Torres Strait Fisheries Guidebook, 32

Torres Strait Mechanics, 27-28

TSRA Board elections, 53-54

25th anniversary of the Mabo decision, 43-44

Cash for Kaiar (video), 30

catch data (fisheries), 16, 17, 30, 32

Charter of Representation, Performance and Accountability, 98

Chief Executive Officer, message from, 6-9

climate change adaptation and resilience, 48, 104

case study, 49-50

Closing the Gap, progress towards, 70-75; see also Integrated Service Delivery

coastal inundation, protection from, x, 56, 64

code of conduct, Board, 98, 99

Comcare, 7, 110

Comcover, 108

Commonwealth Heritage List, 112

community capacity building activities, 8, 23, 30, 32, 41, 62

Community Development Programme, 23

job seeker placements under, 23, 26

community engagement activities, 4, 6, 52

community halls, development of, 25

Community Minor Infrastructure Fund, 57, 62

community safety partnerships, 61

compliance index, 156-57

conflicts of interest, declaration of, 108

Conservation and Land Management project, 25

consultants, 151-153

corporate governance and accountability, 84-113

Council of Australian Governments, 70

Closing the Gap building blocks, 71

cultural maintenance programme, 35; see also Culture, Art and Heritage Programme

cultural practitioners, support for, 18, 35

culture, art and heritage grants, 35

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 34-38

case studies, 37-38

expenditure, 14, 34

performance report, 35-36

programme outcomes, 34

projects and initiatives, 34

regional goal, 34

culture, Torres Strait region (overview), 69


Damaralag, Native Title rights, 69

dance strategy, 35

Dauan Island, 46, 53, 61, 85

barge ramp repairs, 20, 61

transfer to the Meriam people, 44

Deeds of Grant in Trust, xiv, 24, 40, 41

Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, xiv

commitment on telecommunications upgrade, xiii, 103

partnership agreement on biosecurity services, 46

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, xi, 36

desalination units, 48, 56, 58, 59

disclosure of sacred matters, 113

domestic and family violence conference, funding for, 61

drinking water supplies, ensuring availability of, case study, 58-59

dugong management plans, xiv, 19, 47


ecologically sustainable development measures, corporate, 104-105

Economic Development Programme, 22-28

additional programme specific performance indicators, 25-26

case study, 27-28

expenditure, 14, 22

performance report, 23-26

programme outcomes, 22

projects and initiatives, 22

regional goal, 22

education statistics, Torres Strait region, 74

Eip Karem Baizam dance team, 35

elections, TSRA Board, vi, 2-3, 53-54

Employee Assistance Programme, 110

employment and training projects, 25; see also Community Development Programme

employment statistics, Torres Strait region, 73

enabling functions, corporate, 103-113

enabling legislation, 76, 77

energy conservation measures, corporate, 105

Ensuring a Strait Start, 61

enterprise agreement, 109

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth), 104

environmental education project, 46

environmental health infrastructure investment, 20, 56

environmental impacts, measures to minimise, 105

Environmental Management Committee (Torres Strait Treaty Cycle), xi

Environmental Management Programme, 45-50

additional programme specific performance indicators, 48

case study, 49-50

expenditure, 14, 46

performance report, 46-48

programme outcomes, 45

projects and initiatives, 45

regional goal, 45

environmental performance report, 104-105

Ephraim Bani Gallery, cultural exhibition programme, 35

Ergon Energy, 48, 104

Erub Island, 46, 53, 57, 61, 85, 113

Erubam Le Traditional Land and Sea Owners (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation ILUA with, 113

ethical standards, Board, 98

event management position, funding of, 24

Evolution: Torres Strait Masks exhibition, 35, 36

case study, 37

Executive Committee, 99-101

export of fisheries products, feasibility study, 30

external audit programme, 52

external scrutiny, 107


feasibility studies, 24, 30, 48

female staff, 112

feral animal control measures, 46, 104

financial outlook, 8; see also financial statements

financial performance summary, 14; see also financial statements

financial statements, 118-144

independent audit report, 116-117

finfish fisheries

capacity building, 30, 32

catch statistics, 17 (see also catch data (fisheries))

leasing licences to non-Indigenous fishers, 31

traditional ownership of, ix, 17, 30

Finfish Quota Management Committee, 31

First Nations National Constitutional Referendum, ix

First Nations Regional Dialogue, ix

First Nations Voice, call for enshrinement in Constitution, ix

fisheries, ix, xi, xiii, 16, 29-33

catch statistics, 16, 17, 30, 32

traditional ownership of, ix, xiii, 16, 17, 30

Fisheries Bilateral meeting, xi

Fisheries Business Growth Package, 23, 25

applications, xi

fisheries cadetship, 30

Fisheries Programme, 29-33

additional programme specific performance indicators, 32

case study, 32-33

expenditure, 14, 29

performance report, 30-32

programme outcomes, 29

projects and initiatives, 29

regional goal, 29

Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, partnership on fisheries research projects, 30

Fisheries Status Reports 2017, 16

Fly River pollution, impacts on Torres Strait, 47

fraud control, 108

Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth), 112

freehold arrangements, xiv, 75; see also land tenure arrangements

Freshwater, Saltwater exhibition, 36

Frontier Software Pty Ltd, 109

functions, TSRA, 77-78

Future Acts notices, 18, 40, 43


Gab Titui Cultural Centre, 35, 36, 37, 112

Gab Titui Indigenous Art Award, 10th, 35

case study, 38


of Torres Strait region population, 72

of TSRA staff, 112

geography and logistics, xiv, 68

Governance and Leadership Programme, 51-54

additional programme specific performance indicators, 52-53

case study, 53-54

expenditure, 14, 51

performance report, 52-53

programme outcomes, 51

projects and initiatives, 51

regional goal, 51

governance framework, 84-102

grant management system, implementation of new, 6

grants, 30, 57, 61, 148-150

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, xiv

Green Hill Fort, 112

Growing Our Own Tagai Transitions Maritime project, 24

Gudamalulgal (Top Western) Island Group, new fishery industries feasibility study, 30

Gudang Yadheykenu people, Eastern Claim of Sea Claim Part B, 40

Gur A Baradharaw Kod Torres Strait Sea and Land Council, vii, 2, 41


Hammond Island, 4, 35, 53, 61, 85

Katter Leases, 40

marine infrastructure repairs, 20, 61

health education initiatives, 57

Health Issues Committee (Torres Strait Treaty Cycle), xi

Healthy Communities Programme, 55-59

additional programme specific performance indicators, 58

case study, 58-59

expenditure, 14, 56

performance report, 56-58

programme outcomes, 55

projects and initiatives, 55

regional goal, 55

High Court Mabo decision; see Mabo decision

highlights and achievements, vi-xi

history, of Torres Strait region, 69

History Through Art Award (NMA), 38

HLB Mann Judd (accountancy firm), 101, 108

home loans, 22, 24

Home Ownership Programme, 24

Horn Island, 35, 46, 57, 58, 59, 61, 68

Native Title rights, 69

see also Ngarupai

housing tenure, Torres Strait region, 75

human resources, 109-112

human rights of Indigenous peoples, viii, 71


Iama Island, vi, 3, 53, 61, 85

ICT strategy, 103

income statistics, Torres Strait region, 74

indemnities and liability insurance, 108

Indigenous Advancement Strategy, 70, 71

Indigenous Business Australia, funding agreement with, 24

Indigenous Economic Development Conference, 23

Indigenous Electoral Participation Programme, 54

Indigenous employees, TSRA, 8, 112

Indigenous Land Use Agreements, 43, 113

with compensation and benefits, 18-19, 40

Indigenous Legal Assistance and Policy Reform Programme, 63

Indigenous Protected Areas project, 47

induction programme, Board, vi, 3, 99

information and communications technology projects, 103, see also telecommunications infrastructure upgrade

information management and technology, 103

Information Publication Scheme, 112

Ingeus Australia Pty Ltd, 110

insurance premium, cost, 108

integrated planning framework, 13

Integrated Service Delivery, xv, 12, 52

Closing the Gap targets as framework for, 71

Integrated Service Delivery community booklets, 52, 71

Integrated Service Delivery governance framework, xv, 71

intellectual property protection, artists and cultural practitioners, 35

internal audit programme, 52, 108

Into Business Workshops, 16, 23, 25, 28

invasive species management, 45, 104


job seeker placements under Community Development Programme, 23, 26

Joint Advisory Council (Torres Strait Treaty Cycle), xi

judicial decisions and reviews, 108


Kaiwalagal region, 19, 47

Kala Kawau Ya, iii; see also traditional languages, revitalisation of

Kala Lagau Ya language, iii, 36; see also traditional languages, revitalisation of

Katter Leases, xiv, 40

Kaurareg People Native Title claims, 18, 40, 69

Kaurareg people, Western Claim of Sea Claim Part B, 40

Keriba mirgiz ermeuku/Ngalpun ney koey mapulnga ‘Our Languages Matter’ (theme for Torres Strait Language Symposium), xi

key performance indicators, results against, 16-20; see also performance indicators, additional programme specific

Kubin, Moa Island, 25, 53, 61, 85


Land and Sea Management Strategy for Torres Strait 2016-2036, 47

land tenure arrangements, xiv, 24, 57, 75; see also Deeds of Grant in Trust; freehold arrangements; Katter Leases; Native Title arrangements

leadership capacity development, 4-5, 8, 52, 53

learning and development, staff, 109

legal services, funding support for, 61

letter of transmittal, xix

liability insurance, 108

list of figures, 162

list of tables, 160-161


Mabo Day Symposium, vii

Mabo decision, 69

case study, 43-44

25th anniversary celebrations, vii, xiii, 2, 6, 35

Mabo v Queensland (No 2) (the Mabo Case), 2, 43; see also Mabo decision

Mabuyag Island, 4, 25, 53, 61, 85

Katter Leases, 40

Major Infrastructure ILUA, 40

Major Infrastructure Programme, 20, 40, 56, 58, 59, 62

Makarrata Commission, ix

male staff, 112

Malu Ki’ai (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation, 44

Maori fisheries management model, lessons from, 31

marine ecosystem monitoring, 47

marine infrastructure, 20

maritime career pathways training courses, 23, 24

Masig Island, 53, 57, 61, 85

barge ramp repairs, 20, 61

media and communications support, 52

Mekem Garden Sustainable Horticulture Project, 58

memorandum of agreement, with Torres Strait Island Regional Council, 7

memorandum of understanding

with Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, 61

with Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate, 44

with Torres Shire Council, 7

Mentors project, 25

Mer Gedkem Le (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation, vii, 2, 44

Mer Island, 25, 40, 46, 53, 61, 85

Mabo Day celebrations, vii, 2

transfer to the Meriam people, 44, 69

Mer Reserve, transfer to the Meriam people, 44

Meriam Mir language, iii, 36; see also traditional languages, revitalisation of

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, vi, 40, 80, 107

gazettal of polling date, 2, 54

renewal of NTRB status, 76

responsible minister, 79

ministerial appointments, 80

ministerial briefings, 80

ministerial directions, 79

Ministry for the Arts, 36

Mipa (Turtle Island), Native Title rights, 69

Moa Island, 35, 46, 61

barge ramp repairs, 20, 61

Katter Leases, 40

mobile network coverage, as challenge, xv

Monument at ‘Kemus Cove’ Erub (art work), 38

Mualgal People, Native Title claims, 40

multipurpose courts, development of at Thursday Island, 25

Mura Kosker Sorority, funding support for, 62, 63

Muralag (Prince of Wales Island), 53, 85

Native Title rights, 69

Murray Island (Mer), vii; see also Mer Island

Music and Dance Audit, 36

My Pathway, 24, 25


Naghir Island, Native Title claim, 40

National Museum of Australia

purchase of Gab Titui Art Award entries, 38

Torres Strait masks exhibition, 36, 37

National Native Title Conference, 2, 40

National Native Title Tribunal, 18, 43

Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), 40, 69, 76

Native Title arrangements, xiv, 2, 39-44, 57, 69; see also Native Title claims

Native Title claims, 18, 39-44

Native Title compensation, 2, 19, 40, 43

Native Title Office, vii, 2, 40, 41, 43-44

performance statistics, 42

Native Title Programme, 39-44

additional programme specific performance indicators, 41

case study, 43-44

expenditure, 14, 39

performance report, 40-42

programme outcomes, 39

projects and initiatives, 39

regional goal, 39

Native Title Representative Body, 18, 43

TSRA appointment as, 76

Native Title Symposium, 2, 40

Ngarupai, 41, 53, 85

Native Title rights, 69

see also Horn Island

Ngulayg Lumayk (art work), 38

1967 Referendum, 50th anniversary celebrations, xiii, 6

non-compliance matters, prescribed bodies corporate, 41

non-government organisations, social services delivery, 62

non-Indigenous fishers, lease of licences to, 31

Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council, 12, 24

Northern Territory Government, ministerial visit, vii-viii

notifiable incidents, 7, 110


Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, 20, 41, 44

operations, report on, 68-80

opportunities and challenges, xiii-xv

organisational structure, 146

outlook, 8


Papua New Guinea electoral officials, observers in TSRA Board elections, vi

Papua New Guinea, participation in Torres Strait Treaty Cycle Meetings, xi

Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works, approval of residential dwelling, 113

payroll services, 109

pecuniary interests, declaration of, 108

people with disability, 112

Performance Development Programme, 109

performance indicators, additional programme specific, 25-26, 32, 41, 48, 52, 58, 63; see also key performance indicators, results against

performance reports, programme, 22-65

planning framework, 13

population statistics, Torres Strait region, 69, 71-75

Port Kennedy, 53, 54, 85

Port Kennedy Association, funding support for, 62, 63

Portfolio Budget Statements 2016-2017, 12

Poruma Island, 48, 53, 61, 64, 85

powers, TSRA, 78

Prescribed Bodies Corporate

compliance results, 20, 41

workshops, 40, 41

Preventing Bullying and Harassment Policy, 110

Prince of Wales Safe Landing Facility project, 56

Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), 111

programme expenditure, 14, 29, 34, 39, 46, 51, 56, 60

external funding, 14, 29, 34, 39, 46, 56

see also financial statements

programme outcomes

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 34

Economic Development Programme, 22

Environmental Management Programme, 45

Fisheries Programme, 29

Governance and Leadership Programme, 51

Healthy Communities Programme, 55

Native Title Programme, 39

Safe Communities Programme, 60

programme performance reports, 22-64

Programme Steering Committee, 101

property management, 112-113

Protected Zone Joint Authority, 16, 29, 30

fishery industry representation initiatives, 31, 32

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act Rule 2014, 108

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth), 15, 76, 85, 99, 101, 108

Pulu Islet Indigenous Protected Area, 47

purpose, corporate, 15


Queensland Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, 62

Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, 20, 61

Queensland Government, 19, 35, 71

coastal protection initiative, 56, 64

environmental management funding, 46

infrastructure funding, xiii, 20, 56, 59, 62, 64

Native Title arrangements, 40, 44


rangers, TSRA, 46, 47, 104

legislative compliance training, xiv

recycling initiative, 57

Referendum Council, ix

regional art centres, support for, 35

Regional Economic Investment Strategy, xi, 7, 23

regional governance arrangements, vi, 3

regional issues and challenges, vi, xiii-xv

Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate, 44

renewable energy initiatives, 48, 104, 105

responsible minister, 79; see also Minister for Indigenous Affairs

risk management, 105-107


Safe Communities Programme, 60-64

additional programme specific performance indicators, 63

case study, 64

expenditure, 14, 60

performance report, 61-63

programme outcomes, 60

projects and initiatives, 60

regional goal, 60

safety awareness education, 62

Saibai Island, x, 4, 46, 47, 53, 56, 61, 64, 85

Saibai seawall project, x, 56

case study, 64

salary ranges, staff, 109

scholarships, tertiary, 52; see also Assistance with Tertiary Education Scheme (TSRA employees)

school attendance initiatives, 61

sea level rises, protection from, x, 56, 64

seawalls, construction of, x, 56, 64

Seisia, 53, 68, 71-75, 85

service delivery; see Integrated Service Delivery

shipping, potential impact on marine ecosystem, 47

significant regional events funding stream, xiii, 6, 35

Smarty Grants (grants management system), 6

social housing infrastructure, ILUA, 40

Social Justice Interagency Programme, 61

solar energy for desalination units, feasibility study, 48

solar farm project, on Poruma, 48

sport and recreation activities, 57, 58

St Pauls, Moa Island, 4, 25, 53, 59, 85

stadium upgrades, 57

staff classifications, 111

staffing profile, 8, 111-112

Statement of Expectations, 79

Statement of Intent, 79

strategic workshops, Board, 4, 52, 99

Supply Nation, artist registration with, 18

Supply Nation Connect 2017, 23

sustainable horticulture activities, 46, 57, 58, 104


TAFE North Queensland, 24

Tagai State College, xi, 24, 25, 36, 47, 74

Tarilag (Packe Island), Native Title rights, 69

telecommunications infrastructure upgrade, xiii, xv, 20, 103

Telstra, commitment on telecommunications upgrade, xiii, xv, 20, 103

tertiary scholarships, 52; see also Assistance with Tertiary Education Scheme (TSRA employees)

Thursday Island, xi, 35, 46, 59, 61, 68

feasibility study of tourist information centre, 24

TSRA properties on, 109, 112, 113

Zenadth Kes Cultural Festival, 35

Thursday Island Garden Fair, 46

Timber Creek, test ILUA case, 19, 40

Torres News, 46

Torres Shire Council, 12, 24, 25, 46, 57

memorandum of understanding with, 7

partnership on climate resilience plan, 49

Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Biosecurity Working Group, 12

Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area, governance arrangements for, vi, 3

Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Regional Plan 2009-2029, 12, 71, 101

Torres Strait Child and Family Committee, 61

Torres Strait Development Plan, viii, 4; see also Torres Strait Development Plan for 2019-2022; Torres Strait Development Plan 2014-2018

Torres Strait Development Plan for 2019-2022, 8, 99

Torres Strait Development Plan 2014-2018, 6, 8, 12, 52, 71, 76, 101, 109

Torres Strait Fisheries Guidebook, 30

case study, 32-33

Torres Strait flag raising, 25th anniversary celebrations, xiii, 6, 35

Torres Strait freehold arrangements, xiv; see also land tenure arrangements

Torres Strait Island Regional Council, xiii, 12, 40, 56, 59, 64

memorandum of agreement with, 7

partnership on climate resilience plan, 49

Torres Strait Island Regional Council Water and Waste Water Management Programme, 56

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people employment opportunities, 26

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people owned businesses, 16, 25

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people, TSRA employees, 8, 112

Torres Strait Islander Traditional Language Advisory Committee, 5, 36

Torres Strait Islanders Media Association, 52

Torres Strait Islanders Regional Education Council, 61

Torres Strait Language Reference Group, dissolution of, 5, 36

Torres Strait Language Symposium, xi, 5, 36

Torres Strait Maritime Pathways Project, 23

Torres Strait Maritime Safety Programme, 61

Torres Strait Mechanics, case study, 27-28

Torres Strait Regional Adaptation and Resilience Plan 2016-2021, 48, 49-50

Torres Strait Regional Authority, establishment of, 76

Torres Strait Regional Biosecurity Plan 2017-2022, 46

Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim (Part B), 18, 40

Torres Strait Traditional Languages Charter, 5, 36

Torres Strait Traditional Languages Plan 2016-2019, 5, 36

Torres Strait Treaty Cycle Meetings, xi

Torres Strait Women’s Leadership Programme, 4, 53

Torres Strait Young Leaders Programme, 4, 53

Torres Strait Youth and Recreational Sporting Association, 57

Tourism Business Growth Package, 23

tourism industry, 23, 24

tourist information centre on Thursday Island, feasibility study, 24

Traditional Inhabitant Boat licence sector, 31

catch statistics, 16-17

Traditional Inhabitants

ownership of region’s fisheries, ix, xiii, 17, 30, 31

participation in Torres Strait Treaty Cycle Meetings, xi

Traditional Inhabitants Meeting (Torres Strait Treaty Cycle), xi

traditional knowledge, transfer of, 35, 47, 69; see also Ailan Kastom; Culture, Art and Heritage Programme

traditional languages, revitalisation of, ix, 5, 36; see also Torres Strait Traditional Languages Charter; Torres Strait Traditional Languages Plan 2016-2019

Training Rural Australians in Leadership programme, 4, 52, 53

transmittal letter, xix

transport and freight costs, as challenge to programme delivery, xv

Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme, 61

TRAWQ, 53, 54, 85

tropical rock lobster fisheries, 30

catch statistics, 17

licences, commercial, ix, xiii

traditional ownership of, 17, 30

TSRA Board elections, vi, 2-3

case study, 53-54

TSRA Corporate Plan 2016-2017, 76

TSRA Enterprise Agreement 2017, 109

TSRA Regional Governance Committee

establishment and membership of, vi, 3

turtle management plans, xiv, 19, 47


Ugar Ged Kem Le Zeuber Er Kep Le (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC, 44

Ugar Island, 53, 56, 85

mapping traditional boundaries on, 44

‘Uluru Statement,’ ix

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, viii, 71

United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, visit from, viii


value-add brand of Torres Strait seafood, potential for, 30

vision, iii


Waier Island, transfer to the Meriam people, 44

wards, TSRA, 53, 85

Warraber Island, 4, 46, 53, 61, 85

Warraberalgal Porumalgal Indigenous Protected Area, 47

Warral and Ului Native Title claim, 18

Warul Kawa Indigenous Protected Area, 47

waste education project, 57

waste management, 57

water and waste water management, 56, 59

water security, 20, 56, 58-59

website, redesign of Economic Development Programme areas, 24

weed control measures, 46

women’s leadership programme, 4, 52, 53

work health and safety, 7, 110

Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth), 7, 110

Work Health and Safety Committee, 7, 110

workforce profile, 8, 111-112

workforce strategy, 109

Working on Country Plans, xiv, 19, 46

Workplace Consultative Committee, 111

workplace diversity, 110


Yangu Pawaw Ngurpay Mudh language centre, 36

Yeta (Port Lihou Island), Native Title rights, 69

Yirramboi First Nations Indigenous Arts Festival, 35

youth leadership programme, 4, 52, 53


Zakazukha Marketing Communications, 52

Zenadth Kes Cultural Festival, 35

Zuna (Entrance Island), Native Title rights, 69