Program overview
Improve the health and wellbeing of Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal families and individuals residing in the Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area.
- for 8 new grants and sponsorships
- $K
- for Torres Strait Youth and Recreational Sporting Association
- $K
- for Torres Strait Islander Nurses Indigenous Corporation
- $K
Contributing to health policy and grant delivery in the region.
Monitoring the rollout of and contributing funding to the delivery of essential services to support healthy communities.
Supporting preventative health and wellbeing initiatives including sport and recreation activities.
Supporting healthy and affordable food for communities.

Key activities
- Advocacy and support
TSRA Healthy Communities and partner agencies advocate, support, monitor and address the region’s ongoing challenges and opportunities affecting Torres Strait health outcomes and health service delivery. This is demonstrated through participation and engagement in health committees, forums, and government meetings.
TSRA provides the Torres Strait Youth and Recreational Sporting Association (TSYRSA) with operational funding to administer sports subsidy funding on behalf of the TSRA throughout the Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area including contributions to regional sporting carnivals and events.
- Support community organisations
We provide grant opportunities to support community organisations and groups to deliver healthy and active lifestyle activities and community education projects including: