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Traditional Ecological Knowledge Project

Project overview

The Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) Project supports participating Torres Strait communities to use a dedicated database to collect, protect and control the sharing of cultural and natural resource information while adhering to cultural protocols.


  • The TEK project now operates traditional knowledge database systems across 11 communities (over 10 islands) in the Torres Strait.

  • Each participating community has a dedicated TEK database system that Rangers and Traditional Owners have been trained to use for managing their TEK.

  • The TSRA TEK team works with Traditional Owners from Torres Strait communities to develop resources that help communities to promote the publicly available traditional knowledge to ensure it is passed onto future generations.

  • We are currently working with communities to develop Seasonal Calendar posters and booklets for four Torres Strait communities of Erub, Saibai, Masig and Mer.

  • TEK is incorporated into land and sea management activities.

Traditional Ecological Knowledge Project Ranger
