Project overview
The Marine Ecosystem Monitoring Project helps us to understand trends in the health of coral reef and seagrass ecosystems, and to detect negative impacts affecting these vital ecosystems.
6 real-time weather and observing stations have been installed in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and communities across the Torres Strait, including Maizab Kaur (Bramble Cay), Masig, Saibai, Badu, Thursday and Tuesday Islands.
14 sea water temperature monitoring loggers are deployed across the region.
A Reef Scanner towed video method will be trialled in a partnership between TSRA and AIMS to enhance the capacity of Rangers from Ugar, Erub, Mer, Masig, Poruma and Iama Islands to more effectively obtain important information about the status and health of coral reefs.
Biannual surveys of intertidal and sub-tidal seagrass meadows are completed by Rangers from the islands of Mabuiag, Badu, Moa, Iama, Mer, Poruma and Warraber across their nearby waters and reefs.