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Young voices shape inner islands youth strategy

Youth Roundtable at Waiben (Thursday Island)

Hundreds of young people are raising their voices through a youth survey for the inner islands of the Torres Strait.

The survey is open to young people aged 12 – 25 residing, studying or working on the inner islands (Waiben, Ngurupai, Kirriri, Muralag), including those living away due to boarding, school, study or work requirements.

TSRA Chairperson Napau Pedro Stephen AM said the survey responses would help create the first coordinated, overarching youth strategy for the inner islands.

“The survey will feed into a new youth strategy informed by young people, for young people to target funding towards priorities and essential support services young people have told us matter the most to them,” Mr Stephen said.

“Thank you to the local youth research group for designing the survey and the young people who have stepped up to have their say on issues, concerns, dreams and ideas.

“We encourage more young people to have their say before the survey closes on Saturday 24 August 2024.

“This work will address a need in our region for a coordinated approach to leverage government investment towards service gaps and priorities identified by young people,” he said.

If you are aged 12 – 25 or know someone who is, the online survey is available at Participants can go into the draw to win one of ten $50 CEQ vouchers.

The project is governed through a youth research group including Tagai State College students and a project steering group including native title, school, community services, health, justice, police, and local, state and federal government agency representatives.

TSRA has engaged Fieldworx to deliver the project through TSRA’s Safe Communities Program.

The final Inner Island Youth Strategy is anticipated to be launched in late 2024.

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