The Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) Board and Executive team held their Strategic Planning Workshops from 11 to 13 May 2021 on Thursday Island.
The Strategic Planning Workshops are an opportunity for the Board to outline key priorities and shape the future direction of the organisation. While held on an annual basis, these workshops were of particular importance in setting the forward vision for the new Board’s term.
“I was pleased with the quality of discussions and outcomes from the workshops. The Board, Chief Executive Officer and Programme Managers are already working well as a team but, the workshops have strengthened the relationship further” said TSRA Chairperson Mr Napau Pedro Stephen.
“We look forward to working together towards greater empowerment of our people and achieving outcomes that benefit our communities. We reaffirmed our focus on improving economic development and business opportunities for our people and working with key partners to deliver sustainable infrastructure for the region. Other priorities include advancement of Regional Governance, stronger preservation of our culture, art and heritage and the protection of native title rights.”
The TSRA is the leading Commonwealth representative body for Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people living in the Torres Strait and communities of Bamaga and Seisia on the Northern Peninsula Area. Through its programmes it coordinates outcomes to improve the lives and livelihood of Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people living in the region through Economic Development, Fisheries, Culture, Art and Heritage, Native Title, Environmental Management, Healthy and Safe communities, and Governance and Leadership.
Should you wish to find out more about the TSRA and its programmes, see our website: www.tsra.gov.au