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Revegetation training provides latest accreditation for Environmental Management

Revegetation training provides latest accreditation for Environmental Management

The TSRA Environmental Management Program, recently undertook accredited training in the Implementation of Revegetation Works, in Cairns.

Revegetation is the process of replanting or revegetating disturbed land, which can be caused by weather, fires, mining, flooding and other causes.

The Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) Chairperson, Mr Napau Pedro Stephen AM, said the TSRA had proudly supported the Torres Strait Rangers, to undertake the training, which includes a trip to Cairns to participate in demonstrations and field trips, in order to develop their practical and theoretical understanding of revegetation methods.

“The TSRA Rangers from Boigu, Saibai, Mabuiag, Badu, Moa, Warraber, Poruma, Masig, Erub and Mer, were supported to attend the three-day course presented by trainer Ms Jenny Petrich from Northern Skills Alliance, was a combination of practical and theoretical course,” Mr Stephen said.

“Torres Strait Rangers experienced hands on skills training and examples of revegetation projects, whilst visiting the Girringun Rangers Nursery Team in Cardwell, and the Jabalbina Rangers of Mossman.”

Whilst visiting the nursery, Rangers were shown propagation techniques, including planting seeds and transferring seedlings to larger pots using gentle removal techniques, so as not to shock the plants or damage the roots for a successful transfer.

After acclimatisation from the nursery, hardened through different shade stages, the plants are then moved into larger pots and exposed to sun areas when plants are much larger and hardier.

The Rangers were shown the next stage of revegetation propagation through maintenance techniques, like weeding, watering and trimming.

When the trees are mature enough to withstand the natural setting, they are then finally planted in their designated fields, parks or normal environments.

The Rangers were also privileged to carry out the final state of revegetation, by planting a number of trees on country at Girringun Aboriginal Corporation Native Plant Nursery.

The most common examples of revegetation include beach, recreation and environmental restoration.

Beach revegetation is primarily used to decrease the impacts of erosion.

The Rangers visited Holloways Beach, and were shown how the use of border barricades such as copper logs and ropes to prevent human impacts on sensitive ground.

Further protection was provided through the use of different plants and benefits of size, ground cover and heights.

Vines can be used to create ground coverage, which holds the soil together, while the use of shrubs adds ground strength via their deep root growth and tall trees offer cooling shade on the ground.

Natural Resource Management Officer, Mr George Saveka, said the teamwished to thank the Girringun and Jabalbina Rangers for allowing us to enter their country, giving us their time and sharing their knowledge, so that we could witness the great work they do.

“It was a privilege to be on land and carry out work, it brought great admiration for the work they do.

“It was good to experience the theoretical training and in depth understanding of the planning required for revegetation.

“That includes risk management, work health and safety, site selection, land owner consultation, site preparation, project scheduling incorporating seasonal impacts, plus resources such as staff, equipment, supplies, project implementation, monitoring and regeneration management.”

The revegetation works training has been provided for the TSRA Rangers as preparation for Torres Strait revegetation Shade Tree Project, Beach Shade Tree Project and Revegetation projects.

The Shade Tree project is currently being carried out on Mabuiag, Badu, Dauan, Warraber and Masig, with the aim of decreasing heat by planting trees in the community to increase areas of shade for people walking on their island.

The Beach Shade Tree project being held on Erub and Mer, will involve planting trees on the beach front for the protection of turtles as they lay eggs and help stop beach erosion.

Revegetation projects on Warraber, Poruma and Iama are targeting sites effected by erosion and building up areas for future conservation, including un-inhabited surrounding islands.

Plans are currently underway for National Tree Day, Sunday 28 July 2019, a day that recognises the importance of trees for our communities and is a reminder that we need to work together for the future of our islands and community.