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New Native Title Agreement leads to 13 Million Dollar Investment at Saibai


The Saibai community will benefit from a new $13 million Community Safety and Security Facility following the registration of the Saibai Regional Infrastructure Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) on 24 December 2018.

The Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA), the Native Title Representative Body (NTRB) for the Torres Strait, has been working with the Saibai Mura Buway (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC, and clan elders to negotiate the ILUA with the State of Queensland and the Torres Strait Island Regional Council (TSIRC).

The TSRA Chairperson, Mr Napau Pedro Stephen AM, said the regional infrastructure ILUA has been developed as a template which can be used by all communities in the region and it will streamline the process for native title approvals for community and economic development.

“All Torres Strait communities are encouraged to sign up to the template ILUA and the TSRA is assisting the regions Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate with this process,” Mr Stephen said.

The Saibai Community Safety and Security Facility is the first project to be given the go-ahead under the regional ILUA. The project is funded by the Federal Government this will be the first multi-agency facility to be constructed in the Torres Strait.

“There are real benefits for communities to adopt this streamlined process,” Mr Stephen said.

“It reduces both the time and cost of reaching agreements for infrastructure construction and delivers compensation and benefits to communities in a much faster time.”

When constructed, the facility will be a base for federal and state policing, community safety, security and community agencies. The facility will include offices, interview rooms, information technology, a communications room and employee accommodation.

The Queensland Government is responsible for overseeing construction and the ongoing management of the facility.

Torres Strait Islander businesses will be involved in the construction of the new facility and traditional owners have contributed to the design of the building to ensure it complies with the culture of the Saibai people.

Construction of the facility is expected to be completed by February 2020.