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Exploring opportunities in the export of Torres Strait fisheries products


A scoping workshop was recently held with fishers, fish processors and community representatives to discuss steps involved in establishing a new opportunity for the Torres Strait and consider the feasibility of direct export of seafood product from the Torres Strait, and the potential benefits of a single Torres Strait seafood brand.

The workshop, facilitated by Jayne Gallagher and Emily Mantilla from Honey and Fox Pty Ltd, was able to identify some of the current features of the supply chain of various seafood products and the key barriers to the profitability for commercial ventures.

Workshop participants all acknowledged that the day was the beginning of a journey to achieving greater unity and collaboration in exporting fisheries products from the Torres Strait.

The Torres Strait Regional Authority Chairperson, Mr Napau Pedro Stephen, AM said this is a really important step in starting a conversation about the opportunities available to the region in the exporting and branding of seafood product.

“We hope this research will identify the legislative, administrative and infrastructure requirements for direct export from the Torres Strait, and the key export market opportunities that could be met by Torres Strait-derived products,” Mr Stephen said.

“It will also look to identify unique marketing strategies that may provide opportunities to improve the profitability of fishing operations, having a positive socio-economic flow on effect to the people of the region and our communities.”

The project is expected to progress over the next 18 months and align with other initiatives of the TSRA Fisheries Programme in achieving improved wealth of Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people of the region from the regions fisheries resources.

Assessing direct export feasibility, marketing and branding opportunities for Torres Strait Fisheries derived products is supported by funding from the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation on behalf of the Australian Government.

For those interested in finding out more, please contact Mariana Nahas, Project Manager, TSRA Fisheries Programme on 4069 0745.