Tagai High School, 3

Tagai State College

and environmental education officer, 101

and horticulture in schools programme, x, 162

and ‘Junior Ranger’ project, 3

and natural resource management engagement, 62

and Torres Strait Language Symposium, 6

telecommunications infrastructure, xiv


mobile network expansion project, 161

voice and data communications strategy for the Torres Strait area, xiv

Thursday Island, 120

and Ensuring a Strait Start project, 110

Ken Brown Oval and TI stadium gym, 100

tidal gauge, 26

Thursday Island Water Sports Club, 107

tidal flow power generation, xiii

tidal gauge project, 26

Tipoti, Alick, 38

tidal inundation, xv

Torres, Luis Vaez de, 121

Torres Shire Council

and Horn Island Affordable Housing Project, 103

and Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Regional Plan, 17

Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Regional Plan 2009 - 2029, x–xi, 17, 74, 122, 157

service delivery, 124

Torres Strait Climate Change Strategy 2014 - 2018, 157

Torres Strait Coastal Management Committee

members, 157

review by MLCS Corporate, 4

Torres Strait Development Plan 2009 - 2013, 122

and Regional Plan, 122

Torres Strait Development Plan 2014 - 2018, 10, 74, 132

and programme outcomes, 4, 9, 13, 17, 153, 157

and Regional Plan, 122

and Workforce Strategy, 167

Torres Strait Development Plan Outcomes

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 31

Economic Development Programme, 41

Environmental Management Programme, 61

Fisheries Programme, 49

Governance and Leadership Programme, 71

Healthy Communities Programme, 99

Native Title Programme, 81

Safe Communities Programme, 109

Torres Strait Fisheries Act 1984, xv

Torres Strait Fisheries Working Group, 82

Torres Strait freehold, xiv

Torres Strait Health Partnership, 98

Torres Strait IPA project, 68

Torres Strait Island Regional Council (TSIRC)

and healthy communities workshops, 102

and infrastructure upgrades, 111

and Major Infrastructure Indigenous Land Use Agreement, 82

and regional pest management strategy, 62

and Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Service stations, xiii

and rising sea levels, xv

and Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Regional Plan, 17

and waste and landfill renovation issues, 100

water and waste management programme, 101

water testing project, 102

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal owned commercially viable businesses, 20

Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991 (Qld), 90

Torres Strait Islanders, 120

Torres Strait Islanders Media Association (TSIMA)

and broadcasting targets, 73

and Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Service stations, xiii

Torres Strait Islanders’ Regional Education Council (TSIREC), 110

Torres Strait language centre, 33, 34

Torres Strait language charter, 33

Torres Strait Language Reference Group, 33

Torres Strait language strategy, 33

Torres Strait Language Symposium, 6, 33, 34

Torres Strait Marine Safety Programme, 3, 110

and school-based maritime safety education project, 113

Torres Strait Maritime Pathways Project, viii–ix

case study, 46–47

and employment opportunities, 3

and training, 21, 42

Torres Strait region, 120

culture see Ailan Kastom

history, 121

map of, iv–v, 120

statistics, 126–30

education, 128–29

employment, 128

health, 130

housing tenure, 130

income, 129

population, 126–27

Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA)

and Aurora Foundation, 25

and Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 25

briefings and information, 135

challenges, xiv–xv

corporate governance and accountability, 137–71

and Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 25

enabling legislation, 132

financial reports, 173–220

financial statements, 177–220

formation, 132

functions, 133

highlights and achievements, vii–xi

judicial decisions and reviews, 135

and Koeygab Pabai, 47

ministerial directions, 134

role as Native Title Representative Body, 92, 132

see also Native Title Representative Body in the Torres Strait

and Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, 25

opportunities, xiii–xiv

organisational structure, 224

outlook, 13

powers, 134

and PBCs, 25

PBCs capacity-building grants, 92

programmes, 132

performance, 15–117

report of operations, 119–35

responsible minister, 134

and Sea Forum Summits, 90–91

Statement of Expectations, 135

Statement of Intent, 135

strategic overview, 1–13

vision, iii

Torres Strait Regional Authority Women’s Leadership Programme, 11

Torres Strait Regional Economic Investment Strategy, 42

Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim, 83

Part A, 5, 12, 81, 82, 91

Part B, 5, 82, 91

Torres Strait Treaty, 7

Torres Strait Treaty Cycle meetings, 7

Torres Strait Women’s Leadership Programme, vii, 73, 74

Torres Strait Young Leaders Programme, 11, 74

Torres Strait Youth and Recreational Sporting Association, 100, 106–7

traditional ecological knowledge project, 35, 62

Traditional Inhabitant Boat licence fishers, xv, 7, 50

Traditional Inhabitants Meeting, 7

training and development, 95

Training Rural Australians in Leadership, 11, 72, 74

Transferable Vessel Holder licence fishers, 6, 7

transport industry Supply Chain and Logistics annual awards, 47

Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme, 3, 26, 111

TRAWQ (Tamwoy, Rosehill, Aplin, Waiben and Quarantine), 4

tropical rock lobster fishery, vii, 21

Tropical Rock Lobster Management Plan, 7

TSRA Cultural Protocols Guide for TSRA Staff, 12, 32

TSRA Enterprise Agreement 2011 - 2014, 95, 167

turtle management, vii, 24, 63