Pabai, Koeygab, 46–47

partnerships, 12–13

pathway into fishing (training), 51, 52

payroll and leave records, 167

PBC Support Officer, 25, 93

PDM Consultancy, 166

Pearson, Francis, 148–49

performance reporting

changes in, 10

Native Title Representative Body, 89, 93–94

programmes, 15–117

Peter, Eric, 142

policy development

engagement of elected Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal leaders in, 24


statistics, 126–27

Port Kennedy Association, 3, 111, 112, 113

Portfolio Budget Statements

key performance indicators, 17, 20–27

Poruma community

and Ensuring a Strait Start project, 110

and Strait Smile programme, 100

Poruma Island, 4

emergency coastal stabilisation, 100

Indigenous Land Use Agreement, 23

seawalls and landfill renovation projects, 100

power generation, xiii

prawn fishery, vii

Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs)

capacity-building grants, 92

complaints, 93

and compliance with requirements of Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, ix, 25, 79, 84

DOGIT transfer to, 84

establishment of, 92

Federal Court and, 90, 92

and governance and leadership capacity, 70, 71, 72, 80

case study, 78–79

and information on lease process, 82

and information relating to native title, 90

legal, policy and advocacy support for, 80

move from grant-funding to fee-for-service, vii, 25, 72, 78, 79

and National Native Title Conference, 83

and native title, 25, 90

and Native Title Act 1993, 81

support model, 78–79

PBCs working group, 83

Preventing Bullying and Harassment Policy, 168

Prince of Wales Channel, 120

Prince of Wales Island

water service project grant, 101

see also Muralag Island

privacy, 168

Privacy Act 1988, 168

Procurement and Contracts Policy, 171

Program Steering Committee, 157

programme budget variance

explanation of, 235

programme deliverables

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 30

Economic Development Programme, 40

Environmental Management Programme, 60

Fisheries Programme, 48

Governance and Leadership Programme, 70

Healthy Communities Programme, 98

Native Title Programme, 80

Safe Communities Programme, 108

programme expenditure, 27

budget variance, 235

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 31

Economic Development Programme, 41

Environmental Management Programme, 61

Fisheries Programme, 49

Governance and Leadership Programme, 71

Healthy Communities Programme, 99

Native Title Programme, 81

Safe Communities Programme, 109

programme goals

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 30

Economic Development Programme, 40

Environmental Management Programme, 60

Fisheries Programme, 48

Governance and Leadership Programme, 70

Healthy Communities Programme, 98

Native Title Programme, 80

Safe Communities Programme, 108

programme maps

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 36–37

Economic Development Programme, 44–45

Environmental Management Programme, 66–67

Fisheries Programme, 54–55

Governance and Leadership Programme, 76–77

Healthy Communities Programme, 104–5

Native Title Programme, 86–87

Safe Communities Programme, 114–15

programme objectives

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 30

Economic Development Programme, 40

Environmental Management Programme, 60

Fisheries Programme, 48

Governance and Leadership Programme, 70

Healthy Communities Programme, 98

Native Title Programme, 80

Safe Communities Programme, 108

programme performance, 15–117

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 32–33

Economic Development Programme, 42–43

Environmental Management Programme, 62–63

Fisheries Programme, 50–51

Governance and Leadership Programme, 72–73

Healthy Communities Programme, 100–102

Native Title Programme, 82–83

Safe Communities Programme, 110–12

property management, 171

Protected Zone Joint Authority

and bêche-de-mer fishery licence, 58

and fisheries data, 21

and fisheries ownership, xiii

and Fisheries Roadmap, 50

forums, 51

representation, 51

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act), viii, 4–5, 72, 153, 234

and Audit Committee, 158

and compliance report, 166

and conflicts of interests, 166

training on, viii, 5, 153

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014

and conflicts of interests, 166

training on, viii, 5, 153

Pulu Islet Indigenous Protected Area, 68