Naghir Island

native title claim, 82

National Disability Strategy, 170

National Indigenous Reform Agreement service delivery principles, 70, 71

National Maritime Safety Authority of Papua New Guinea, 113

National Museum of Australia, 6, 32, 33

National Native Title Conference, 83

National Reserve System, 68

native title, xiv

history, 121

PBCs and, 25, 90

Native Title Act 1993, 121

functions of Native Title Representative Bodies under, 93, 132

and keeping native title holders informed, 90

and PBCs, 25, 81

TSRA NTRB function under, 92

native title claims and determinations, vii, 23

Naghir Island, 82

see also Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim

native title compensation, 82

native title legislation

changes to, 84, 90

Native Title Office

consultancies, 96

and Future Acts, 82

human resources management, 95

and Indigenous Land Use Agreements, xi

and legal assistance for NTRBs, 83

and Major Infrastructure Indigenous Land Use Agreement, 82

and native title compensation, 82

and provision of information on lease process to PBCs, 82

and Queensland PBC working group, 92

and Sea Forum Summit, 91

and TSRA’s Native Title Representative Body functions, 93

Native Title Office Operational Plan, 92

Native Title Programme, 80–96

additional programme specific performance indicators, 84

and PBCs compliance, ix

programme deliverables, 80

programme expenditure, 27, 81

programme budget variance, 235

programme goal, 80

programme map, 86–87

programme objectives, 80

programme performance, 82–83

regional goal, 80

statistical data, 89

Torres Strait Development Plan Outcomes, 81

Native Title Representative Body in the Torres Strait

community engagement, ix

complaints, 93

consultancies, 96

functions, 92, 93, 132

Future Acts received, 23

housing agreements, xi

legal services, 83

legislative functions, 93

management of human resources, 94

native title claims under determination, xi, 23

organisational structures and corporate governance policies, 93

and PBCs, 92–93

performance against Budget, 94

performance, 89, 93–94

and RNTBCs, 12

summary resources table, 94

transition to Gur A Baradharaw Kod Sea and Land Council, ix, 72

TSRA role as, 92, 132

Ngarupai Airport (Horn Island), 120

Ngurapai Island, 4

see also Horn Island

Noah, Aven S, 140–41

Nona, Maluwap, 83, 141

non-government organisations

social services delivered by, 112

non-renewable diesel fuel usage for electricity production

reduction of reliance on, 64

Northern Peninsula Area airstrips

repairs, 26, 111

Northern Peninsula Area communities

community consultation and engagement, 72

music and dance CD/DVD, 33

Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council

and Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Regional Plan, 17