Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, 32

Caring for Country programme, vii, 11

Centrelink, x

Chairperson, 132, 139, 151

executive assistance for, 72

Chairperson’s message, 4–7

Charter of Representation, Performance and Accountability, 153

Chief Executive Officer, 132

Chief Executive Officer’s message, 9–13

Climate Change Strategy, 64

Closing the Gap in Indigenous Disadvantage, 121

COAG Building Blocks, xi, 122–23, 125

COAG targets, 121–22, 126

Colbeck, Senator the Hon Richard, 7

Comcare, 167

Comcover, 166

Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997, vii, 4, 72, 153, 234

Commonwealth Authorities (Annual Reporting) Orders, 234

exemption from, 170

Commonwealth Disability Strategy, 170

Commonwealth Fraud Control Framework, 166

Commonwealth Procurement Rules, 225

communication services, 13

community capacity building grants, 111

community consultations, x, 4, 72

Community Development Employment Projects participants

and Centrelink, x

and Income Support Payments, 42

Community Development Programme, 3

and My Pathway, 107

and Remote Jobs and Communities Programme, 42

Community Economic Initiatives Scheme, ix

review of, 42

community engagement, ix–x, 4, 72

Community Enterprises Initiative Scheme, 10

community events

TSRA-funded, 113

community gardens, 64, 101

community health projects, 100

community horticulture projects grants, 101

Community Legal Education Officer, 110

community safety partnerships, 110

community safety projects grants, 110

community-driven cultural heritage projects, 35

compliance officer, vii

compliance report, 166

compliance with Australian Government statutes and policies, 234

conflicts of interests, 166


Native Title Office, 96

consultants, 230–33

copyright, 22, 35

corporate governance and accountability, 137–71

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006, 90, 92

Council of Australian Governments (COAG)

and Closing the Gap in Indigenous Disadvantage, xi, 121–23, 125, 126

cultural maintenance, 6

case study, 38

Cultural Maintenance Exhibition, 38

cultural maintenance programme, 32

cultural orientation sessions, 32

Cultural Policy, 32

cultural practitioners, 22, 35

Cultural Protocols Guide, 12, 32

culture, art and heritage grants, 32

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 30–38

additional programme specific performance indicators, 34–35

and copyright and intellectual property rights, 22

external funding expenditure, 31

programme deliverables, 30

programme expenditure, 27, 31

programme budget variance, 235

programme goal, 30

programme map, 36–37

programme objectives, 30

programme performance, 32–33

regional goal, 30

Torres Strait Development Plan Outcomes, 31