Notes to and forming part of the financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2014

Note 6: Financial Assets

Note 6A: Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash on hand or on deposit 2,041 931
Cash on hand or on deposit - TSRA Housing Fund 670 545
Total cash and cash equivalents 2,711 1,476

TSRA's financial performance and balance sheet must be read in the context of its enabling legislation, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005 (ATSI Act) and the impact of accounting standards on the valuation of financial assets.

The ATSI Act requires that funds available under the TSRA Housing Fund, including interest earnings, are to be used exclusively for housing loans. Consequently, income earned on the TSRA Housing Fund is not available for operational expenses but is directed back into new loans.

Note 6B: Trade and Other Receivables
Goods and services receivables in connection with
    External parties 204 1,235
Total goods and services receivables 204 1,235
Other receivables
    GST receivable from the Australian Taxation Office 955 1,681
    Loans 5,362 5,319
Total other receivables 6,317 7,000
Total trade and other receivables (gross) 6,521 8,235
Less impairment allowance
    Goods and services - (65)
    Loans (112) (115)
Total impairment allowance (112) (180)
Total trade and other receivables (net) 6,409 8,055
Trade and other receivables (net) expected to be recovered in
    No more than 12 months 1,878 3,524
    More than 12 months 4,531 4,531
Total trade and other receivables (net) 6,409 8,055
Trade and other receivables (gross) aged as follows
Not overdue 6,477 8,030
Overdue by:
    0 to 30 days 12 18
    31 to 60 days 7 7
    61 to 90 days 6 8
    More than 90 days 19 172
Total trade and other receivables (gross) 6,521 8,235
Impairment allowance aged as follows
Overdue by:
    More than 90 days (112) (180)
Total impairment allowance (112) (180)

Credit terms are net 30 days (2013: 30 days).


Notes to and forming part of the financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2014

TSRA holds a portfolio of concessional loans that are provided for business development and home ownership programs.
The values of these loans as at 30 June 2014 are as follows:
Concessional loans - nominal value 5,831 5,761
Less: unexpired discount (469) (442)
Concessional loans - carrying value 5,362 5,319

Loans to individuals and businesses were made under the Business Funding Scheme for periods up to 10 years and Home Loans for periods up to 32 years. In relation to the housing loans, TSRA holds mortgages as sole mortgagor over the houses for which the loans are provided. TSRA receives market advice from a qualified valuer or market expert on the value of a property prior to the loan being approved. In relation to Business Funding Scheme loans, from 2007-08 TSRA has required that inexperienced business owner(s) successfully complete an approved business course and submit a business plan prior to the loan being approved. Security is not required for Business Funding Scheme loans. Principal is repaid in full at maturity. Interest rates for Business Funding Scheme loans were fixed in accordance with the loan contracts. Housing Loan interest rates were varied on 1 January 2014 in accordance with the loan contracts. Effective interest rates average 4.21% (2013: 4.17%) for Business Funding Sche me loans and 5.06% (2013: 5.29%) for Housing loans.

Reconciliation of the Impairment Allowance:

Movements in relation to 2014

Movements in relation to 2014
  Goods and services
Opening balance (65) (115) (180)
Amounts recovered and reversed 65 3 68
Closing balance - (112) (112)


Movements in relation to 2013
  Goods and services
Opening balance (57) (123) (180)
Amounts written off - 3 3
Amounts recovered and reversed - 5 5
Increase recognised in net surplus (8) - (8)
Closing balance (65) (115) (180)


Note 6C: Other Investments
    Term deposits 30,321 30,000
    Term deposits - TSRA Housing Fund 7,073 6,800
Total other investments 37,394 36,800
Other investments are expected to be recovered in:
No more than 12 months 37,394 36,800
Total other investments 37,394 36,800

Term deposits were invested at 30 June 2014 for $29,139,946 (3.65% interest rate maturing on 25 October 2014), $2,080,956 (3.66% interest rate maturing on 30 October 2014) and $6,172,911 (2.5% interest rate maturing on 19 September 2014).