Notes to and forming part of the financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2014

Note 4: Income

Note 4A: Sale of Goods and Rendering of Services
Sale of goods in connection with
    External parties 225 105
Total sale of goods 225 105
Rendering of services in connection with
    External parties 292 279
Total rendering of services 292 384
Total sale of goods and rendering of services 517 384
Note 4B: Interest
    Loans 352 369
    Deposits 1,778 2,003
Total interest 2,130 2,372
Note 4C: Other Revenue
    Rent 14 12
    Other Government contributions 14,462 5,387
Total other revenue 14,476 5,399
Note 4D: Gains from Sale of Assets
Plant and equipment
    Proceeds from sale 34 -
    Carrying value of assets sold - -
Net gains from sale of assets 34 -
Note 4E: Reversals of Previous Asset Write-Downs and Impairments
Reversal of losses from remeasuring loans and receivables 60 96
Reversal of impairment losses 5 48
Total reversals of previous asset write-downs and impairments 65 144
Note 4F: Revenue from Government
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
    CAC Act body payment item 16,548 45,680
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
    CAC Act body payment item 33,097 -
Total revenue from Government 49,645 45,680