Note 10: Cash Flow Reconciliation

TORRES STRAIT REGIONAL AUTHORITY Notes to and forming part of the financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2014

Note 10: Cash Flow Reconciliation

Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents as per statement of financial position to cash flow statement
Cash and cash equivalents as per
Cash flow statement 2,711 1,476
Statement of financial position 2,711 1,476
Discrepancy - -
Reconciliation of net cost of services to net cash from operating activities
Net cost of services (47,048) (39,681)
Revenue from Government 49,645 45,680
Adjustments for non-cash items
Depreciation 1,250 1,268
Net writedown of financial assets 78 107
Interest on concessional loans (48) (45)
Reversal of previous loan writedowns and impairments (65) (144)
Gain on Sale of Assets (34) -
Movements in assets and liabilities
(Increase) / decrease in net receivables 1,691 (1,416)
Increase / (decrease) in employee provisions 175 25
Increase / (decrease) in supplier payables (1,244) (3,714)
Increase / (decrease) in grants payable (1,540) (2,610)
Increase / (decrease) in other payables 13 89
Net cash from operating activities 2,873 (441)