TAFE, 2 9

Tagai State College, viii, 44, 140

Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, 27, 30

telecommunication services, xiii, 96 Telstra, xiii, 96

terrestrial biodiversity conservation, 43

terrestrial biodiversity profles, 21 3G coverage, xiii Thursday Island, xii TI Main Events, 39

tide gauges, x, 47, 49, 50

Torres Haus data centre, 139 Torres Shire Council, 15, 36, 54, 82, 83, 86

Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Regional Plan (2009–2029), x, 3

and COAG Closing the Gap Building Blocks, 102

and integrated development planning, 15

and Integrated Service Delivery, 15, 57

booklets, x, 3, 22, 59, 102

and Torres Strait Development Plan (2009–2013), 15

Torres Strait Coastal Management Committee, 135

Torres Strait dance strategy, 27

Torres Strait Development Plan, 110

delivery of benefts

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 29–31

Economic Development Programme, 36–8

Environmental Management Programme, 48–50

Governance and Leadership Programme, 59–60

Healthy Communities Programme, 85–6

Native Title Programme, 69–71

Safe Communities Programme, 94–5


Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 25

Economic Development Programme, 33

Environmental Management Programme, 41

Governance and Leadership Programme, 55

Healthy Communities Programme, 80

Native Title Programme, 64

Safe Communities Programme, 91

Torres Strait Development Plan (2009–2013), x, 110, 215

and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005, 15

and business loans and home loans, 18

and COAG Closing the Gap Building Blocks, 102

and employment in social services and support, 95

and Native Title Ofce Operational Plan for 2012–2013, 73

and programmes and outcomes, 15, 110

and Torres Strait and Nor thern Peninsula Area Regional Plan (2009–2029), 15

and training, 18

Torres Strait Development Plan (2014–2018), x, 3, 15, 58, 102, 110

Torres Strait Haus virtual server environment, 139

Torres Strait Healthy Ageing Programme, 23

Torres Strait Indigenous Arts Development Plan 2015–2018, 32

Torres Strait Island Regional Council, 54

Engineering Services: Water Services Operations and Maintenance Programme, 85

events coordinator, 36

and healthy activities, 86

and healthy communities workshop, 83

and management of Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Service stations, xiii, 22

and Saibai Sea Walls Project, 67

and (Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Regional Plan 2009–2029), 15

Torres Strait Islander Corporations, 36

Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld), 28

and Indigenous Land Use Agreements, 78

Torres Strait Islander trainees, 20

Torres Strait Islanders, 100

Torres Strait Islanders Media Association, xiii, 22

Torres Strait Islanders' Regional Education Council, 22

Torres Strait Marine Pathways Project, viii, 18, 35, 57

Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority forums, 4, 5

Torres Strait region, iii, iv–v

Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA)

celebrating 20 years, vi, 2

challenges, xiv

corporate governance and accountability, 117–50

enabling legislation, 110

fnancial statements, 153–200

formation, 110

functions, vi, 110, 111

highlights and achievements, vi–xi

as Native Title Representative Body, xi, 4, 9, 72, 73, 110

opportunities, xii–xiii

organisational structure, 204

powers, 112

programme reporting and performance summaries, 13–97

report of operations, 99–114

strategic overview, 1–10

vision, iii

Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim and fsheries, xii

Part A determination, viii, xii, 19, 21, 67, 70, 72, 78, 101, 114

Part B, 67, 70

Torres Strait Sea Walls Project 2014–2017, 84 Torres Strait Social Services Hub, 57

Torres Strait Youth and Recreational Sporting Association, 83, 86

Torres Strait Youth Leadership Programme, 57

Torres Strait Youth Leadership Scholarship, 61

traditional crafs, 30

Traditional Ecological Knowledge, viii, 28, 31, 47

Traditional Inhabitant Boat sector, 38

traditional languages, iii

Traditional owners, ii, 18, 68

trainees, 20

training, 8, 18–19, 20, 29, 35

Training Rural Australians in Leadership, 61

Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme, 85, 93

TSRA Enterprise Agreement 2011–2014, 76, 145, 146

TSRA website, 8 turtle management, 8, 20, 40, 45, 49