Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, 27

Cairns ofce ICT environment, 139

cane toads management, 20, 43

Caring for our Country programme, 44, 45, 47

Centre for Child Development and Education, 94

Chairperson, 110

Chairperson's message, 2–6

Chief Executive Ofcer, 58, 110

Chief Executive Ofcer's message, 7–10

child and family support services, 23

Child Protection Act 1999 (Cth), 23

client satisfaction survey, 8

climate change, xiv, 46, 47, 49, 50, 140

Climate Change Strategy Action Plan, 50

Closing the Gap in Indigenous Disadvantage, vi, viii–x, 101–5

analysis, 104

COAG Building Blocks, x, 54, 102–3, 105

Healthy and Safe Communities Programmes, 22–3

summary of community service issues, 103

COAG Targets, 101–2, 106

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 29, 30, 31

Economic Development Programme, 36, 37, 38

Environmental Management Programme, 48, 49, 50

Governance and Leadership Programme, 59, 60

Healthy Communities Programme, 85, 86

Native Title Programme, 69, 70, 71

Safe Communities Programme, 94, 95

Closing the Gap Report, 5

coastal erosion, 49

coastal hazard maps, 50

coastal impact mitigation climate change, 50

coastal management climate change and, 47

Comcover, 144

Common Funding Rounds, 9, 29, 73

Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 (Cth), 9, 131, 214

and Audit Committee, 136

and Board members, 119

and compliance report, 143

and directors' interests, 144

and Executive Committee, 133

and signifcant events, 149

Commonwealth Authorities (Annual Reporting) Orders, 214, 149

Commonwealth Disability Strategy, 149

Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines, 143

Commonwealth Heritage List Green Hill Fort, 150

Commonwealth Scientifc and Industrial Research Organisation, 46

communications between communities, xiii, 96

see also regional communications

communications infrastructure, 96

Community Action Plans and service gaps, 57

community cultural planning project, 27

community cultural plans, 30

Community Development Employment Projects programme, 37

Community Economic Initiatives Scheme, 36, 58

grants, 36, 58

community engagement, vi, 2–3

community events participation in, 95

community market gardens, 44, 82

Community Report Cards, 54

Community skills and capacity

Delivery of Benefts: Torres Strait Development Plan environmental management, 48

community-based management of dugongs and turtles, 45


TSRA as Native Title Representative Body, 75

complaints process, 8

compliance report, 143

compliance with Australian Government statutes and policies, 214

consultancies Native Title Ofce, 77

consultants, 210–12

coral monitoring, 46

rangers and, 8

surveys, 49

coral reef monitoring project, 52

coral reef response plan sea level and water temperature, 47

coral trout, 38

corporate governance and accountability, 117–50

corporate governance policies Native Title Ofce, 74

Corporate Services section and elimination of telecommunications black spots, 96

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) and Prescribed Bodies Corporate, 21, 73

Council of Australian Governments (COAG), x, 22–3

Cultural heritage Delivery of Benefts: Torres Strait Development Plan, 31

cultural heritage bodies (under Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld)) registration of Prescribed Bodies Corporate as, 28

cultural heritage management, 28

Cultural maintenance Delivery of Benefts: Torres Strait Development Plan, 30

cultural maintenance, 27

cultural policy and protocols guide, 28

cultural resource management see land, sea and cultural resource management culture, 100

see also Ailan Kastom (island custom) and Aboriginal lore

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, vi, viii, 3, 15, 25–32, 110

and arts industry forum, 32

programme budget variance, 215