Appropriation Program Expenditure 2012 - 2013 Budget as Compared to Actual

A summary of the TSRA's financial performance for each program area for 2012 - 2013 is provided in Table 2-1 .

Section 5, Financial Statements, provides further information about expenditure for each program area as of 30 June 2013.

Table 2-1 Appropriation Program Expenditure 2012 - 2013: Budget Compared to Actual

Program Budget $'000's Actual $'000's Variance $'000's
Culture, Art and Heritage 4,023 3,847 -176
Economic Development 11,874 10,170 -1,704
Environmental Management 5,597 3,948 -1,649
Governance & Leadership 6,215 5,860 -355
Native Title Office 2,615 2,627 12
Healthy Communities 6,736 6,807 71
Safe Communities 4,317 4,277 -40
Total 41,377 37,536 -3,841


1. The Fisheries Program outcomes are reported as part of the Environmental Management Program.

2. The Economic Development underspend is primarily due to a reduction in CDEP activity in the latter part of the reporting period.

3. The Environmental Management underspend is primarily due to a delay in a phased approach to establishing a formalised fishers program during the reporting period.