Senate order for entity contracts listing relating to the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
Pursuant to the Senate Order for entity contracts the following table sets out contracts entered into by Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) which provide for a consideration to the value of $100,000 or more (GST inclusive) and which:
- have not been fully performed as at 30 June 2024, or
- which have been entered into during the 12 months prior to 30 June 2024.
Most of the contracts listed contain confidentiality provisions of a general nature that are designed to protect the confidential information of the parties that may be obtained or generated in carrying out the contract.
The reasons for including such clauses include:
- ordinary commercial prudence that requires protection of trade secrets, proprietary information and the like; and/or
- protection of other Commonwealth material and personal information.
The accountable authority of TSRA has assured that the listed contracts do not contain any inappropriate confidentiality provisions.
Contractor | Subject matter | Amount of consideration (GST Exclusive) | Contract containing any confidentiality provisions | Contract contains other requirements of confidentiality | Start date | Anticipated end date |
Sam Taylor | ICT Infrastructure Support 2020‐2021 | $885,765.00 | N | N | 1/7/21 | 30/6/25 |
Accysy Consulting | Accounting and business advisory services | $865,000.00 | N | N | 11/1/23 | 30/11/24 |
BDO | Internal Investigation Services | $150,000.00 | N | N | 15/8/23 | 31/12/23 |
BDO | Auditor – external funding | $167,890.00 | N | N | 12/9/23 | 12/9/28 |
CSIRO | Fisheries funding | $1,088,937.00 | N | N | 4/10/23 | 31/10/26 |
Blak Stars Solutions Indigenous Corporation | Wapil Project | $142,615.00 | N | N | 29/2/24 | 30/6/24 |
Humanify | Role Evaluation and HR Policy Review | $120,000.00 | N | N | 8/2/24 | 30/6/24 |
E&H Law | Core Legal Services for TSI and NPA | $7,648,477.01 | N | N | 7/3/24 | 30/6/30 |
Lena Passi Womans Shelter Association Inc. | Prevention Intervention and Community Legal Education | $2,593,300.00 | N | N | 1/4/24 | 30/6/28 |
Miromaa Aboriginal Language and Technology Centre | Torres Strait Language Symposium | $127,501.00 | N | N | 10/4/24 | 30/6/24 |
Work Science | TSRA Workplace Health and Sagety Management System Remediation Project | $199,860.00 | N | N | 1/5/24 | 7/8/24 |
GHD Pty Ltd | Asset Management services | $212,800.00 | N | N | 19/6/24 | 19/2/25 |
BMS NQ | Refurbishment of the LSMU Prowler Fleet | $212,938.90 | N | N | 16/4/24 | 30/6/24 |
GBRMPA | Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (COTS) Control Program On-Water Services | $476,265.00 | N | N | 3/6/24 | 30/7/24 |
Governance in motion | Governance consultancy | $109,980.00 | N | N | 10/6/24 | 30/6/25 |
Jenelle Provost Consulting | WAPIL 2 Project TRL Traditional Inhabitant Project | $100,000.00 | N | N | 26/6/24 | 30/6/25 |
Estimated cost of complying with this request $2543.22. costs are based on staffing costs (APS 6 and EL1 level employees)