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Gifts and benefits register 2020/21

During the course of official duties, Torres Strait Regional Authority’s officials received the following gifts and/or benefits where the value exceeds $A100 (excluding GST).

Date Published: 2022-01-19 10:33:44
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Date received 4/1/21 15/3/21
Date recorded 11/1/21 18/3/21
Gift item/benefit service Hamper Electronic accessories
Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Administration Support Officer Received by TSRA Information Services Manager and donated to TSRA Social Club
Presented by (giver’s name, organisation/country) Skytrans RingUC
Occasion Gift of Gratitude Received following consultation relating to TSRA Cloud  Telephony project
Estimated value in $A (wholsale value in country of origin or current market value in Australia) $100 $249