Abbott MP, Hon Tony

visit, 6

Abednego, John

profile, 116

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005, 12, 97, 121

and advisory committees, 123

and Board meetings, 118

and disclosure of sacred matters, 121

and TSRA, 98–101

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 1989

and TSRA, 97

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Act 2013 (Qld), 60

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service

and delivery of services in accordance with relevant standards, 79

and funding support for legal services for residents, 76

access to services

and Torres Strait Development Plan 2014-2018, 54

accountability, 130–1

accountable authority, 15, 106

Acting Chief Executive Officer appointments, 101

adaptation and resilience action plan

re climate change, 46

Adjei, Trisha, 28

advertising and market research, 177

affordable housing, 68, 69

see also Horn Island affordable housing project

Ailan Kastom, 22, 23, 50, 74, 85

Alternate Deputy Chairperson, 97

election, 10

see also Lui, Willie

analysis against 2015–2016 Portfolio Budget Statements and Corporate Plan, 16–20

Aniba, Chelsea

profile, 115

animal management, 126

annual performance statements, 12, 15–20

appropriate accreditation

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people employed in TSRA supported social services sector and, 79

Appropriation Programme Expenditure, 14

approved business training, 16, 33

APSjobs website, 177

Arafura Sea, 84

art centres, 24

income from retail sales, 22, 26

artists see local artists; professionally active artists and cultural practitioners

Artists’ Forum: Copyright, Education and Support, 18, 26, 28

arts and craft industry, 22, 23

arts development programme, 24

Arts Law Centre of Australia, 28

Arts Queensland

and arts development programme, 24

arts skills workshops, 24

Assistance with Tertiary Education Scheme, 9

Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Qld), 79

Assure Programs see lngeus Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Assure Programs)

Attorney-General’s Department

and funding support for legal services for residents, 76

Indigenous Legal Assistance and Policy Reform Programme, 79

audit see internal and external audit support; internal audit

Audit Committee, 52, 106, 123–4

and internal audit, 130

meetings, 124

attendance, 124

membership, 123


and audit of financial statements, 130, 139–40

Australasian Performing Right Association, 28

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey, 95

Australian Border Force, 60

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences

and value of tropical rock lobster fishery, viii

Australian Bureau of Statistics

population of Torres Strait region, 85

and regional statistics, 91, 95

Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA)

and exposure draft of management plan for tropical rock lobster fishery, 38

mixed reef fish species allowable catch, 38

Australian Government

and Indigenous Advancement Strategy, 86

and infrastructure funding for MIP 6, 20, 71

and MIP, 73

Australian Information Commissioner, 133

Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies

and Native Title Conference, 61

Australian Institute of Grants Management, 125

Australian Institute of Marine Science

and impact of Fly River pollution on marine resources, 44

Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security

and workshops on fisheries management principles, 41

Australian Public Service Commission

online induction programme, 132

State of the Service Report and APS Statistical Bulletin, 135

Australian Public Service Values, 133

Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, 6

and Torres Strait Women’s Leadership Programme, 54, 56

and Torres Strait Young Leaders Programme, 54

and Training Rural Australians in Leadership, 54

Australian Rural Leadership Programme, 52

Auwa Kidai Memorial Recording Studio, 5

Ayres, Robyn, 28


Badu community

Board member for, 106, 108

and Strait Start, 76

Badu Island

Katter Leases on, 60

Badulgal people

Native Title claim, 61

Bamaga Airport emergency works, 77

Bamaga community, 84

Board member for, 106, 109

and community consultation and engagement, 52

Bamaga community swimming pool

and lifeguard training project, 81

barge/boat ramp upgrades, 77

Bedford, Kenny, 61

profile, 110–11

Biggest Morning Tea, 79

biodiversity planning and management, 44

biodiversity project, 42

Board, 97, 106–20

appointments 2012–2016, 106

elections, 7, 10, 52, 53

ethics, 120

and fisheries management framework, xi

functions, 106

and Land and Sea Management Strategy for Torres Strait 2016-2036, x, 44

meetings, 118–19


induction, 120

profiles of, 106–16

and new development plan, 10

and Regional Economic Investment Strategy, ix

strategic planning and training workshop, 3, 120

support for, 52

training and education, 120

Board Charter, 120

Board Member's Code of Conduct, 120

Board Strategic Workshop, 52

boating safety, 76

Boigu community

Board member for, 106, 109

seawalls, vii

and Strait Start, 76

Boigu Island

Katter Leases on, 60

boundary disputes, 65

see also Ugar traditional boundaries project

boundary mapping project

and Ugar boundary dispute, 66

Brandis QC, Senator the Hon George

visit, 6

briefings and information for minister, 101

broker role for access to external business support and development programmes

TSRA in, 7

Buckskin, Lee-Ann Tjunypa, 28

bullying see Preventing Bullying and Harassment Policy

business funding support, 31

business mentoring support, 31

business opportunities, 3

business support products and services, 3, 7

business training, 16, 33

Business Workshops, 16, 33

businesses see commercially viable businesses



freight from, xii, 84

TSRA office in, 125, 131

Cairns – Horn Island air route, xii

Cape York Peninsula, 84

catch reporting, xii, 16, 40


Torres Strait and Aboriginal fishers, 16–17, 40

Chairperson, 97, 106, 118

and community engagement, 3, 7

election, 10

and Executive Committee, 121

support for, 52

see also Elu, AO, Joseph

Chairperson’s message, 3–6

Charter of Representation, Performance and Accountability, 120

Chief Executive Officer, 97

and community engagement, 3, 7

and Programme Steering Committee, 123

see also See Kee, Wayne

Chief Executive Officer’s message, 7–10

Chief Financial Officer

and Programme Steering Committee, 123

child and family safety programmes, 75

Child Protection Week, 79

climate change, ix, 42, 43, 126

climate change adaptation and resilience plan, 45

climate change and coastal erosion project, 42

climate change strategy, 46

closing the gap in disadvantage between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, 86

building blocks for, x, 87, 88

progress, 90

Closing the Gap strategy, 86

coaching and referee clinic, 70

coastal inundation, vii

coastal protection works, vii


notifications, 132


directors’ and officers’ liability insurance, 130

commercial fisheries, 36

commercial licensing of designs and products, 28

commercial rights

and Native Title, 59

commercially viable businesses

access to capital, 29, 30

management of by Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people, 29, 30

owned by Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people, 16, 29, 30, 33

fisheries, 36, 37, 38

Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997, 97

Commonwealth Disability Strategy, 135

Commonwealth Procurement Rules, 177

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

and impact of Fly River pollution on marine resources, 44

Commonwealth–state financial relations, 86

communications, 10, 84

see also land and sea communication systems

community and domestic safety, 75

community and social services support, 75

community capacity building

grants, 77

community consultation and engagement, 52

community development framework

communication, cultural competence and service delivery across governments, 50, 51

Community Development Programme (CDP), 31

participants and Thursday Island Boat Club Project, 34

participants moved from welfare into employment, 33

Torres Strait (Region 59), ix, 31

Community Development Programme agreement management, 31

community engagement, 3, 7

community events, 79

community infrastructure, 75

Community Legal Education Officer, 76

community market garden and horticulture initiatives, 46, 68, 72

see also garden and horticulture project

community safety partnerships, 76

community safety projects

grants, 76

community sustainable horticulture, 43

community waste education programme, 72

community-based management plans for natural and cultural resources, 19

community-driven cultural heritage projects, 26

compliance report

compliance with PGPA Act, 130

conflicts of interest policy, 131

consultants, 180–2

copyright and intellectual property rights

of professionally active artists and cultural practitioners, 22, 26, 28

see also traditional knowledge, intellectual property and copyright

coral bleaching, 44

Coral Sea, 84

coral trout

licence leasing agreements, 38

Cornforth, Jacqueline, 28

corporate governance and accountability, 103–35

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006

and PBCs, 65

Council of Australian Governments (COAG)

closing the gap in disadvantage between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, 86

building blocks for, x, 87, 88, 90

cultural heritage and histories

preservation and maintenance of, 23

cultural heritage material and information, 22, 26

of professionally active artists and cultural practitioners, 22

cultural maintenance, 4–5

cultural maintenance programme, 24

Cultural Policy, 24

cultural practitioners

support for, 5

see also professionally active artists and cultural practitioners

cultural protocols, 24, 45

see also cultural values and protocols

Cultural Protocols: A Guide for TSRA Staff, 24

cultural values and protocols

and services and management practices, 22, 23

see also cultural protocols

culturally significant sites and artefacts, 22

culture, 85

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 12, 22–6, 97

additional programme-specific performance indicators, 26

programme deliverables, 22

programme expenditure, 23

programme goals, 22

programme objectives, 22

programme performance, 24–5

regional goal, 22

Torres Strait Development Plan outcomes, 23



Native Title rights over, 85

dance see music and dance preservation

dance strategy, 24

Dauan community

barge/boat ramp upgrades, 77

Board member for, 106, 110

Dauan jetty, 77

de Mamiel, Chris, 101


elected Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal leaders and, 20

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal participation in, 50, 51

Deeds of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) land tenure, xii

Deeds of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) loans

and reserve communities, 32

Deeds of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) transfers, 60, 63

Dentsu Mitchell Media Australia Pty Ltd, 177

Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, 60

Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

and grant management system, 7

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

and Torres Strait Treaty Cycle Meetings, 5

Department of Social Services, 7

Deputy Chairperson, 97

election, 10

see also Noah, Aven S

desalination units, 71

directors’ interests policy, 131

disability reporting

changes to, 135

Disability/Flexi-Respite Programme, 79

disclosure of sacred matters, 135

domestic safety see community and domestic safety

Domestic Violence Prevention Month, 79

dugong management plan see turtle and dugong management plans


early intervention and injury management strategy, 132

ecologically sustainable development

outcomes contributing to, 126

principles of, 126

economic development, 3, 7

Economic Development Investment Strategy, 31

see also Regional Economic Investment Strategy (REIS)

Economic Development Programme, 12, 29–33, 97

additional programme-specific performance indicators, 33

programme deliverables, 29

programme expenditure, 30

programme goal, 29

programme objectives, 29

programme performance, 31–2

regional goal, 29

Torres Strait Development Plan outcomes, 30

and Torres Strait Maritime Pathways Project, xi, 31

economic development summits, ix


regional statistics, 94

elected Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal leaders

and engagement in policy development and decision-making, 20

electricity production

non-renewable diesel fuel usage for, 46

Elu, AO, Joseph, 6, 10, 15

and Native Title Conference, 61

profile, 107

and Thursday Island Boat Club Project, 34

see also Chairperson

Employee Assistance Programme, 132


matching training to, 34–5

regional statistics, 92

of Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people, 9, 33

and Wasaga Village Roads and Drainage Project on Horn Island, 73

employment and training projects, 32

enabling functions, 125–35

enabling legislation, 98

Endeavour Strait, 84

endorsed community-based management plans for natural and cultural resources, 19

energy use, 127

enterprise agreement, 131

environment see state of the environment report card

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, 126

environmental health infrastructure, 73

environmental health infrastructure projects, 20, 71

environmental impacts of operations

minimisation of, 127

environmental legal and other requirements register, 126

Environmental Management Committee, 5

Environmental Management Programme, 12, 42–6, 97

additional programme-specific performance indicators, 46

and ecologically sustainable development, 126

programme deliverables, 42

programme expenditure, 43

programme external funding expenditure, 43

programme goal, 42

programme objectives, 42

programme performance, 44–5

regional goal, 42

Torres Strait Development Plan outcomes, 43

environmental management system, 126

environmental performance indicators, 127

environmental policy, 126

environmental risks, 126

environmental sustainability, 126–7

equity, inclusion and diversity

culture of, 133

Ergon Energy

and renewable energy projects, 45, 46, 126

erosion, 42

see also climate change and coastal erosion project

Erub Airport Road, 77

Erub community

barge/boat ramp upgrades, 77

Board member for, 106, 110–11

and Strait Start, 76

Erub Stadium, 70

event management, 32

Evolution: Torres Strait Masks exhibition, 24

Executive Committee, 121–2

meetings, 121, 122

attendance, 122

membership, 121

objectives, 121

portfolio structure, 121

review of, 3, 120

Executive Members, 106

explanation of programme budget variance, 183

external accountability, 123

External Funding Programme Expenditure, 14

external scrutiny, 130


Federal Court of Australia

and Malu Lamar (Torres Strait Islander) Corporation RNTBC as the holder of the Native Title rights, 61

and Timber Creek case, 19, 60

and Ugar Native Title, 65

Fell, Keith

profile, 112

Filewood, Alan, 34

financial outlook, 10

financial performance

summary of, 14

financial statements, 137–74

finfish action plan, 38, 40

finfish capacity building, 38

finfish fishery, xi

finfish leasing revenue, xi

finfish quota management, 38

Finfish Quota Management Committee, 38

fisheries, 3

participation in, 40

participation in management of, 41

towards 100 per cent ownership, viii, 16, 36, 38

see also catch reporting; catches; commercial fisheries

fisheries communications, 38

fisheries data, xii, 40

fisheries legislation

changes to, 59, 63

fisheries management framework, xi, 39

fisheries management principles workshops, 41

Fisheries Programme, 12, 36–40, 97

additional programme-specific performance indicators, 40

programme deliverables, 36

programme expenditure, 37

programme goal, 36

programme objectives, 36

programme performance, 38–9

regional goal, 36

Torres Strait Development Plan outcomes, 37

fisheries project, 42

fisheries resources

sustainable management of, 36, 37

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people and management of, 36

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people’s understanding and use of, 40

fisheries roadmap – towards 100 per cent ownership, 38

Fly River pollution

impact of on marine resources, 44

fraud control, 130

freedom of information, 135

Freedom of Information Act 1982, 135

freehold land tenure, xii

freight and road infrastructure, xii

fresh produce/fresh and healthy foods, 68, 69, 70, 72

Frontier Software Pty Ltd

and payroll and leave records, 132

Fujii, Romina

profile, 114

future acts

and ILUAs, 59, 60

legal advice and support in relation to, 58


Gab Titui Cultural Centre, 24, 135

income from retail sales, 22, 26

logo, vii

quarantine space, vii

touring exhibitions, 24

upgrade, vii

Gab Titui Cultural Centre Indigenous Art Award, 24

garden and horticulture project, 42

see also community market garden and horticulture initiatives; community sustainable horticulture; horticulture initiatives; sustainable horticulture programme; sustainable horticulture project

gender balance

in workforce, 9

gender imbalance

in representation on elected bodies, viii

geography and logistics, xii, 84

governance and leadership capacity, 50

Governance and Leadership Programme, 12, 50–4, 97

additional programme-specific performance indicators, 54

programme deliverables, 50

programme expenditure, 51

programme goal, 50

programme objectives, 50

programme performance, 52–3

regional goal, 50

Torres Strait Development Plan outcomes, 51

governance framework, 106–24

governance structure

overview of, 105

government ministers

elected Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal leaders meetings with, 20

government services

delivery of, 50

grant management system, 7, 125

grants, 178–9

community capacity building, 77

community safety projects, 76

and promotion and maintenance of Torres
Strait Islander and Aboriginal art and
culture, 26

school attendance and learning initiatives, 76

sport and recreation activities, 70

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal art and culture, 26

water security, 71

see also Smarty Grants

Green Hill Fort, 135

Growing Our Own Maritime Stream, 32

Growing Our Own project, ix

Gudang Yadheykenu people

Native Title claim, 61

Gur A Baradharaw Kod (GBK) Sea and
Land Council

capacity building for, 62

and Land and Sea Management Strategy for Torres Strait 2016-2036, x, 44, 47

and Native Title Representative Body role, 4, 62


Hammond Island

Katter Leases on, 60

wharf infrastructure, 77

Hammond Island community

barge/boat ramp upgrades, 77

Board member for, 106, 111

and community consultation and engagement, 52

harassment see Preventing Bullying and Harassment Policy

Havili, Vera, 56


regional statistics, 95

health care services, 69

health education, 68, 72

Health Issues Committee, 5

health programmes and services, 68

Healthy Communities Programme, 12, 68–72, 97

additional programme-specific performance indicators, 72

and horticulture activities, 44

programme deliverables, 68

programme expenditure, 69

programme goal, 68

programme objectives, 68

programme performance, 70–2

regional goal, 68

Torres Strait Development Plan outcomes, 69

healthy food options, 68, 69, 70, 72

healthy lifestyles, 68, 72

helicopter underwater escape training, 132

Herro, Jasmin, 28

High Court of Australia

Mabo decision, 85

HLB Mann Judd

and internal audit, 130

home ownership, 68, 69

and land tenure, xi

Home Ownership Programme, 32

Horn Island

Ngarupai Airport, 84

subdivision, 72

Wasaga Village Roads and Drainage Project on, 73

see also Ngarupai (Horn Island)

Horn Island affordable housing project, 71

Horn Island community

and Strait Start, 76

horticulture in schools programme, 126

horticulture initiatives, 70

see also community market garden and horticulture initiatives; community sustainable horticulture; garden and horticulture project; sustainable horticulture programme; sustainable horticulture project

housing, 72

see also affordable housing

housing tenure

regional statistics, 95

human resources, 131–4

Hutchings, Michael, 28


Iama community

Board member for, 106, 111

and Strait Start, 76


workplace health and safety, 8


regional statistics, 94

indemnities and insurance premiums for officers, 130

Indigenous Advancement Strategy, 3, 86, 120

programme streams, 86

Indigenous Art Fair, Cairns, 24

Indigenous Economic Development Conference, 31

Indigenous employment, 9

see also Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal employment

Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs), xi, 58, 59

and building on Native Title land, 65

with compensation or other benefits, 19

and future acts, 59, 60

and major infrastructure, 60

PBCs and, 65

Indigenous leadership, 52

Indigenous Legal Assistance and Policy Reform Programme (Attorney-General’s Department), 79

Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) project, 45

Indigenous Rangers, viii

information and communications technology (ICT)

infrastructure, 125

upgrades, 135

information management and technology, 125

Information Publication Scheme (Cth), 135

Information Publishing Scheme (TSRA)

and Torres Strait Regional Plan ISD Community Booklets 2012, 87

infrastructure funding, 77

infrastructure planning

coordination of, 77

infrastructure to support healthy homes and healthy living environments, 69

integrated planning framework, 13

Integrated Service Delivery (ISD), 87

booklets, x, 52

integrated service delivery forums, 74, 75, 77

intellectual property see copyright and intellectual property rights; traditional knowledge, intellectual property and copyright

inter-agency and integrated service delivery meetings and forums, 75

interagency social service forums, 77

internal and external audit support, 52

internal audit, 130

International Standard AS/NZ ISO 31000 Risk Management – principles and guidelines, 129

International Women’s Day celebrations, 79

Into Business Workshops, 31

invasive species management, 44, 126

invasive species project, 42

island land and sea profiles, 48

Islanders Board of Industry and Services, 60, 70


James Cook University

and impact of Fly River pollution on marine resources, 44

Janke, Terri, 28

JHerro Pty Ltd, 28

Joint Advisory Council, 5

judicial decisions and reviews, 101


Kaiwalagal region

dugong and turtle management plan, 19

Kala Kawau Ya, iii

Kala Lagau Ya, iii

Katter Leases, xii, 60

Kaurareg people, 85

Native Title claim, 61

Native Title rights, 85

key performance indicators

results for, 16–20

Kubin (Moa Island)

and Music and Dance Audit, 25

Kubin community

barge/boat ramp upgrades, 77

Board member for, 106, 112

and Strait Start, 76


land and sea communication systems, 75

Land and Sea Management Strategy for Torres Strait 2005, 47

Land and Sea Management Strategy for Torres Strait 2016-2036, viii, x, 44, 47–8

aims, 47

implementation, 48

Traditional Owner engagement and, 45

Land and Sea Management Unit, 42

land and sea rangers project, 42

Land Holding Act leases see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Act 2013 (Qld); Katter Leases

land management

for future generations, 42

land project, 42

land tenure

and Indigenous Land Use Agreements, xi

and social housing and home ownership, xi, 32

land tenure arrangements, xii

language centre, 4, 8, 24

language strategy, 8, 24

languages, iii

law enforcement partnerships, 76

leadership see Governance and Leadership Programme

Leadership Capacity Building Programmes, 120

leadership capacity-building initiatives, 6, 9

learning and development, 132

leasing licences to non-Indigenous fishers

finfish fishery, 38

legal services for residents

funding support for, 76

letter of transmittal, xvii

licence leasing agreements

inclusion of mixed reef fish species, 38


and tropical rock lobster fishery, viii

lifeguard training project, 76, 81

lngeus Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Assure Programs)

and Employee Assistance Programme, 132

loans in Deed of Grant in Trust and reserve communities, 32

Loban, Yen

profile, 113

local artists

support for, 5, 22

see also professionally active artists and cultural practitioners

local fresh food suppliers, 72


Gab Titui Cultural Centre, vii

Lui Jr, AM, Getano

profile, 111

Lui, Kiwat

profile, 115

Lui, Willie

profile, 108


Mabo decision, 85

Mabo, Eddie

gravesite of, 6

Mabuiag community

Board member for, 106, 112

and Strait Start, 76

Mabuiag Island

Katter Leases on, 60

McIlgorm, Professor Alistair, 41

major infrastructure Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs), 60

Major Infrastructure Programme (MIP), vii, 73

Stage 5

and environmental health infrastructure projects, 20, 71, 73

Stage 6, vii, 20, 71

funding, 77

and water security, 20

Maka, Sam

profile, 110

Malu Lamar (Torres Strait Islander) Corporation RNTBC, 63

and Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim Part A, 61, 66

Management Group

and risk management, 128, 129

management plans see endorsed community-based management plans for natural and cultural resources

mangrove monitoring, 44

marine biodiversity, 44

market gardens see community market garden and horticulture initiatives

market research see advertising and market research

Masig community

barge/boat ramp upgrades, 77

Board member for, 106, 113

and Music and Dance Audit, 25

and Strait Start, 76

Masig Island

coastal protection works, vii

Masig Stadium, 70

media and communications support, 52

media releases, 52

Mer community

Board member for, 106, 107–8

and Strait Start, 76

Mer Island

gravesite of Eddie Mabo, 6

Mer Women’s Group, 6

Meriam Mir, iii

Meriam people

and Native Title rights over Mer (Murray) Island, 85

see also Mabo decision

Mini-Markets, 79

Minister for Indigenous Affairs

briefings and information for, 101

and role of Native Title Representative Body, 4, 62

Statement of Expectations, 3, 52, 100, 120

and TSRA, 130

see also responsible minister

ministerial appointments, 101

ministerial directions, 100

Ministry for the Arts

and arts development programme, 24

Mipa (Turtle Island)

Native Title rights over, 85

mixed reef fish species, 38

Moa Island

Katter Leases on, 60

Mobile Black Spot Programme

Round 2 funding, 125

Moore Stephens Accountants and Advisers

and Audit Committee, 123

Mosby, Hilda

profile, 113

Mualgal people

Native Title claim, 61

Mura Kosker Sorority

and community events, 79

and delivery of social services, 76, 78

in accordance with relevant standards, 79

and Disability/Flexi-Respite Programme, 79

and Old People’s Action Programme, 79

Muralag (Prince of Wales Island)

Native Title rights over, 85

Music and Dance Audit, 25

music and dance preservation, 5

see also dance strategy

music strategy, 25

My Pathway (CDP provider), 31

and employment and training project, 32

and Growing Our Own project, ix

and Thursday Island Boat Club Project, 34, 35


Naghir Island

Native Title claim, 61

National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day, 79

National Environmental Science Programme

and impact of Fly River pollution on marine resources, 44

National Indigenous Reform Agreement service delivery principles, 50, 51

National Landcare Project

and traditional ecological knowledge project, 45

National Museum of Australia

and Evolution: Torres Strait Masks exhibition, 24

National Native Title Tribunal

and ILUAs, 19

and Naghir Island Native Title claim, 61

and registered ILUAs, 60

and Ugar boundary dispute, 66

Native Title, x, 4, 85

and commercial rights, 59

Native Title Act 1993, 4, 59, 85, 97

and dispute resolution, 65

Native Title claims and determinations, 18, 59

Naghir Island, 61

see also Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim

Native Title compensation, 19, 60

Native Title Conference, 61

Native Title holders and claimants

and Land and Sea Management Strategy for Torres Strait 2016-2036, 48

services for, 58

Native Title land tenure, xii

Native Title legislation

changes to, 59, 63

Native Title Office

and dispute resolution, 65

and future act notices, 60

and ILUAs, 19

and Katter Leases, 60

legal services for, 61

and legal services for PBCs and Traditional Owners, 61

and major infrastructure ILUAs, 60

and Prescribed Bodies Corporate

and ILUAs, 60

and Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim Part B, 61, 66

Native Title Programme, 12, 58–64, 97

additional programme-specific performance indicators, 63

programme deliverables, 58

programme expenditure, 59

programme external funding expenditure, 59

programme goal, 58

programme objectives, 58

programme performance, 60–2

regional goal, 58

statistical data, 64

Torres Strait Development Plan outcomes, 59

Native Title Representative Body (NTRB), 4

and Land and Sea Management Strategy for Torres Strait 2016-2036, 48

legal services, 61

and Native Title claims and determinations, 18

TSRA as, x, 4, 62, 65, 97

Native Title rights

legal protection of, 58

suspension of, 60

natural resources

sustainable management of, 42, 43

navigation passages, 84

network communications infrastructure, 125

New Zealand fisheries, 39

Ngarupai (Horn Island)

Native Title rights over, 85

see also Horn Island

Ngarupai Airport, 84

Ngarupai and Muralag

Board member for, 106, 113

Noah, Aven S

profile, 107–8

Nona, Maluwap

profile, 108

non-Indigenous fishers

finfish fishery, 38

Northern Peninsula Area, 84

Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council

funding for event management positions, 32

and lifeguard training project, 81

and Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Regional Plan 2009-2029, 12


Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, 62

Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations compliance requirements

PBCs and, 20

official visits, 6

Old People’s Action Programme, 79


report of, 83–101

organisational leadership, 9

organisational structure, 176

outcome statement, 15

outer island ranger sites

support for, 125


Pacific Festival of the Arts, Guam, 24

paper use, 127

Papua New Guinea, 84

and Torres Strait Treaty Cycle Meetings, 5

payroll and leave records, 132

Pearson, Francis

profile, 114

Peninsula Developmental Road, xii

Performance Development Programme, 132

pest management strategy, 126

Peter, Eric

profile, 109

policy development

elected Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal leaders and, 20

population, 85

regional statistics, 91–2

Port Kennedy Association

and community events, 79

and delivery of social services, 76, 78

in accordance with relevant standards, 79

and Disability/Flexi-Respite Programme, 79

and Old People’s Action Programme, 79

Port Kennedy community

Board member for, 106, 114

Poruma community

Board member for, 106, 114

and Strait Start, 76

Poruma Island

coastal protection works, vii

Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs)

and Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006, 65

and Deeds of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) transfers, 63

and ILUAs, 19, 65

legal, policy and advocacy support for, 58

legal services for, 61

and Native Title Act 1993, 59

and non-compliance matters, 63

and Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations compliance requirements, 20

regional workshops, 61

support and capacity building, 62

see also Registered Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate

Preventing Bullying and Harassment Policy, 132

Prince of Wales Channel, 84

Prince of Wales Island community

water security grant funding for, 71

principles of ecologically sustainable development, 126

privacy, 133

Privacy Act 1988, 133

professionally active artists and cultural practitioners, 18, 26

copyright and intellectual property rights of, 22, 26, 28

see also cultural practitioners; local artists

programme budget variance

explanation of, 183

programme reports, 21–81

Programme Steering Committee, 106, 123

programme structure, 97

review of, 3, 120

programmes and planned performance, 12

property and asset maintenance, 135

property management, 135

Protected Zone Joint Authority (PZJA), 38

and catch reporting, xii, 16

and exposure draft of a management plan for region’s tropical rock lobster fishery, viii, 38

and fisheries data, 40

and fisheries roadmap, 38

and management of fisheries, 41

representation, 39, 40

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act), 15, 121

and audit committee, 123

and Board members, 106

compliance with, 130

and conflicts of interest, 131

and fraud control, 130

and TSRA, 97

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 (PGPA Rule)

compliance with, 130

public works committee, 135

Pulu Islet IPA, 45


quarantine space

Gab Titui Cultural Centre, vii

Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

mixed reef fish species allowable catch, 38

Queensland Department of Housing and Public Works

and major infrastructure Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs), 60

Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads

and Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme, 77

and wharf infrastructure on Hammond Island, 77

Queensland Government

and administration of Torres Strait, 85

and Deeds of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) transfers, 60, 63

and environmental health infrastructure, 73

and infrastructure funding for MIP 6, 20, 71

and Katter Leases on Badu Island, 60

and Katter Leases on Boigu, Mabuiag, Hammond and Moa islands, 60

and land tenure matters, 66

and major infrastructure Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs), 60

and social housing in communities, xi

Queensland Health, 72


Ramsay, John, 101

Ranger Programme, viii, 8

vehicles and vessels, 135

ranger project, 45

rangers, 45

compliance powers for, xi

and mangrove monitoring, 44

and seagrass monitoring, 44

and turtle and dugong management plans, xi

see also Indigenous Rangers; land and sea rangers project; outer island ranger sites; Torres Strait Ranger Programme

recording studio, 53

Region 59 see Torres Strait (Region 59)

Regional Adaptation and Resilience Plan
2016-2021, ix

Regional Biosecurity Strategy, 44

regional communication, 50

Regional Economic Investment Strategy (REIS), ix, 3, 7, 31, 33

regional employment opportunities, 29

regional energy strategy, 45, 46

regional environmental health infrastructure

investment in, 20

regional governance, xii

regional plan community booklets, 54

regional statistics, 91–5

regional waste management implementation strategy, 71

regional water operations and support, 71

Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate (RNTBCs), x

and Torres Strait Rangers Working on Country, viii

Registered Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate, 58

and Traditional Owner disputes, 65

see also Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs)

remote weather stations, 44

Remuneration Tribunal

and remuneration of Board members, 106

renewable energy, 42, 43, 45, 46, 126

report of operations, 83–101

research initiatives, 42

responsible minister, 99

see also Minister for Indigenous Affairs

risk control and compliance frameworks, 123

risk management, 128–9

risk appetite, 129

risk assessment, 128

risk identification, 128

risk mitigation, 129

risk monitoring, 129

risk management workshop, 128

risks and issues registers, 126


Sabatino, Mario

profile, 111

sacred matters

disclosure of, 135

Safe Communities Programme, 12, 74–9, 97

additional programme-specific performance indicators, 79

programme deliverables, 75

programme expenditure, 75

programme goals, 74

programme objectives, 74

programme performance, 76–8

regional goal, 74

Torres Strait Development Plan outcomes, 75

safe public areas, 75

Saibai community

Board member for, 106, 115

and community consultation and engagement, 52

and Strait Start, 76

Saibai Island

seawalls, vii, 70

Saibai Mekem Garden, 6

St Pauls community

Board member for, 106, 115

and Strait Start, 76

Savage, Saila

profile, 112

school attendance and learning initiatives

grants, 76

school garden programme, 46

Scullion, Hon Nigel, 99

visits, 6

Sea and Land Council see Gur A Baradharaw Kod (GBK) Sea and Land Council

Sea Claim see Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim

sea level rise, vii, 43

seagrass and other research activities project, 42

seagrass monitoring, 44

seawalls, vii, 70

See Kee, Wayne, 6, 10

see also Chief Executive Officer

SEEK website, 177

Seisia, 84

Seisia community

Board member for, 106, 107

and community consultation and engagement, 52

service delivery, 75

progress in, 89

see also access to services

service delivery organisations

operation of in accordance with relevant standards, 79

service gaps, 54, 87

service referrals, 79

serviced land and infrastructure to support housing, 72

services and management practices

cultural values and protocols and, 22, 23

ShineWing Australia

and Audit Committee, 123

Smarty Grants, 7, 125

social and economic engagement partnerships, 77

social development and support programmes, 75

social housing in communities, xi

social services and facilities, 74, 75

delivered by NGOs, 76, 78

social services providers

and community capacity building grants, 77

service referrals, response timeframes and waiting lists for, 79

solar photovoltaic systems, 127

Spanish mackerel

licence leasing agreements, 38

sport and recreation activities, 68, 72

grant funding, 70

sporting events, 72

staff learning and development, 9, 132

staff online induction programme, 132

staffing profile, 134

state of the environment report card, 44

Statement of Expectations, 3, 52, 100, 120

Statement of Intent, 3, 52, 100, 120

Stephen, Jr, Jerry

profile, 116

Stephen, Seriako, 61

Strait Start, 76

Strategic Planning and Training Workshop

for Board members, 3, 120

sustainable community gardens, 44

sustainable environmental management, 42

sustainable horticulture programme, 126

sustainable horticulture project, 44


TAFE North Queensland

and Growing Our Own project, ix

Tagai State College

and Growing Our Own project, ix

and horticulture in schools programme, 126

and language centre, 4, 8

Tarilag (Packe Island)

Native Title rights over, 85

telecommunications infrastructure, 10

telecommunications upgrade project, xi

Telstra, 10, 60

and regional telecommunications upgrade project, xi, 125

Tendering for Government Workshop, 31

Terri Janke Lawyers and Consultants, 28

Tertiary Education Scheme, 52

tertiary scholarships, 52

Thursday Island

residential development on, 135

TSRA office on, 84, 125, 131, 135

Thursday Island Boat Club

renovation, ix, 32, 34–5

Thursday Island community

and Strait Start, 76

tidal inundation, 42

Timber Creek case, 19, 60

Torres, Luis Vaez de, 85

Torres Shire

waste solutions, 72

Torres Shire Council

and awareness campaign re waste, 71

funding for event management positions, 32

and Regional Biosecurity Strategy, 44

and subdivision on Horn Island, 72

and Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Regional Plan 2009-2029, 12

and Wasaga Village Roads and Drainage Project on Horn Island, 73

Torres Strait, 84

Indigenous people of, iii

traditional languages of, iii

Torres Strait (Region 59)

Community Development Programme (CDP), ix, 31

Torres Strait and Aboriginal fishers

catches of, 16–17, 40

Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Regional Plan 2009-2029, x, 12, 54, 87, 123, 183

Torres Strait Creole, iii

Torres Strait Development Plan 2009-2013, 87

Torres Strait Development Plan 2014-2018, 10, 12, 54, 97

and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005, 12

and access to services, 54

and fisheries, 36

outcomes, 7, 123

Culture, Art and Heritage Programme, 23

Economic Development Programme, 30

Environmental Management Programme, 43

Fisheries Programme, 36, 37

Governance and Leadership Programme, 51

Healthy Communities Programme, 69

Native Title Programme, 59

Safe Communities Programme, 75

and programme budget variance, 183

and programme structure, 3, 120

and regional plan, 87

and workforce strategy, 131

Torres Strait freehold land tenure, xii

Torres Strait Indigenous language centre, 24

Torres Strait Island Regional Council

and all-tide safe access to Ugar community, 71

and Katter Leases on Badu Island, 60

and major infrastructure Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs), 60

and Regional Biosecurity Strategy, 44

and Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Regional Plan 2009-2029, 12

and Ugar proposed new infrastructure, 66

Torres Strait Island Regional Council Water and Waste Water Management Programme, 71

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal art and culture

grants for promotion and maintenance of, 26

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal employment

and Wasaga Village Roads and Drainage Project on Horn Island, 73

see also Indigenous employment

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal organisational leadership and governance, 50, 51

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal owned commercially viable businesses see commercially viable businesses

Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal women

and leadership roles, viii, 6, 53, 54

Torres Strait Islanders Media Association (TSIMA), 5, 53

Torres Strait Islanders Regional Education Council (TSIREC)

and ‘Ensuring a Strait Start’, 76

Torres Strait islands

topographies, ecosystems and formations, 84

Torres Strait Language Reference Group, 4, 8, 25

Torres Strait Language Symposium, 4

Torres Strait Languages Charter, 4, 8

Torres Strait Maritime Pathways Project, ix, xi, 31

Torres Strait Maritime Safety Programme, 76

Torres Strait Ranger Programme

and Working on Country, viii, 8, 45

Torres Strait region

map of, iv–v

population of, 85

Torres Strait Regional Adaptation and Resilience Plan 2016-2021, ix

Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005 and, 98–101

accountable authority, 106

annual performance statements, 15–20

as corporate Commonwealth entity, 97, 130

corporate governance and accountability, 103–35

enabling functions, 125–35

enabling legislation, 98

establishment of, 97

financial statements, 137–74

formation, 97

functions, 98–9

membership, 97

and minister, 130

as Native Title Representative Body, x, 4, 62, 65, 97

organisational structure, 176

powers, 99

programme reports, 21–81

purpose, 15

report of operations, 83–101

Statement of Intent, 3, 52, 100, 120

vision, iii

Torres Strait Regional Plan ISD Community Booklets 2012, 87

Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim

Part A, 61, 66

Part B, 61, 66

Torres Strait seawalls, vii, 70

Torres Strait Traditional Languages Charter, 4, 8, 25

Torres Strait Traditional Languages Plan 2016-2017, 4, 8, 25

Torres Strait Treaty Cycle Meetings, 5

Torres Strait Women’s Leadership Programme, viii, 6, 53, 54, 55–6

Torres Strait Young Leaders Programme, 53, 54

Torres Strait Youth and Recreational Sporting Association (TSYRSA), 70

and employment and training project, 32

funding for, 72

and Thursday Island Boat Club Project, 34

tourism, 32

traditional cultural practices (art, dance, language, storytelling, songs), 22

traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) database, 26, 45

traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) project, 45

Traditional Inhabitant Boat (TIB) fishers

catch data, xii, 40

and non-Indigenous fishers, 38

Traditional Inhabitant Boat (TIB) licence, 38

Traditional Inhabitants Meeting, 5

traditional knowledge, intellectual property and copyright, 22, 23

traditional languages, iii, 4

Traditional Owner engagement, 45

Traditional Owner representatives from Western Province villages

and Torres Strait Treaty Cycle Meetings, 5

Traditional Owners

and boundary disputes, 65, 66

commercial rights, 59, 63

and Native Title, 4, 58

training and education

for Board members, 120

training programmes on principles of fisheries management and representational skills, 38

Training Rural Australians in Leadership, 52, 54

transport infrastructure, 75, 77

Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS), 77


reduction in use of, 127

in Torres Strait region, 84

TRAWQ (communities of Tamwoy, Rosehill, Aplin, Waiben and Quarantine on Thursday Island)

Board member for, 106, 116

tropical rock lobster fishery

exposure draft of management plan for, viii, 38

value of, viii

TSRA Community Newsletters, 177

TSRA Corporate Plan 2015-2016, 12, 97

results and analysis against, 16–20

TSRA Enterprise Agreement 2011-2014, 131

TSRA Portfolio Budget Statements 2015-2016, 12

results and analysis against, 16–20

turtle and dugong management plans, xi, 19, 44, 126

penalties and permit system, xi


Ugar community

and all-tide safe access to, 71

Board member for, 106, 116

Ugar PBC

meeting with Traditional Owners, 66

Ugar proposed new infrastructure, 66

Ugar traditional boundaries project, 61, 65–6

Native Title rights, 65


vehicles and vessels, 135

Viscopy, 28


waiting lists

social services providers, 79

Warraber community

Board member for, 106, 108

and Strait Start, 76

Warraber Island

coastal protection works, vii

Warraberalgal Porumalgal IPA, 45

Warul Kawa IPA, 45

Wasaga Village Roads and Drainage Project on Horn Island, 73

waste and landfill projects, 71

waste management, 71, 72

impacts of, 42

water quality, 44

water security

MIP 6 and, 20

water security grant funding

for Prince of Wales Island community, 71


from fisheries, 36, 37

of Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people, 29, 30

weather and marine data, 44

weather stations, 44

website redesign, 32

wharf infrastructure on Hammond Island, 77

White Ribbon Awareness Day, 79

whole of region economic development solution broker, 29

whole-of-government investment for infrastructure to support healthy homes and healthy living environments, 69

Williams, Reg

profile, 109

women’s and youth leadership, 53, 54, 55–6

Work Health and Safety Act 2011, 8, 132

Work Health and Safety Committee, 132

work health and safety management arrangements, 132

workforce, 9

Working on Country

and Torres Strait Ranger Programme, viii, 8, 45

Working on Country plans, 19

workplace agreement, 131

workplace consultative arrangements, 133

Workplace Consultative Committee, 133

workplace diversity, 133

workplace health and safety, 8, 132

reportable incidents, 8


Yeta (Port Lihou Island)

Native Title rights over, 85

youth leadership, 53, 54


Zakazukha Marketing Communications, 52

Zuna (Entrance Island)

Native Title rights over, 85