Warraber community

and Ensuring a Strait Start project, 110

and healthy communities workshops, 102

and Strait Smile programme, 100

Warraber Island

Indigenous Land Use Agreement, 23

infrastructure upgrades, 111

seawalls and landfill renovation projects, 100

Warraberalgal and Porumalgal Indigenous Protected Area, 7, 68

Warul Kawa Indigenous Protected Area, 68

waste feasibility support project, 101

water and waste management programme, 101

water tanks, 101

water testing project, 102

Williams, Reginald, 142

wind power, xiii

Work Health and Safety Act 2011, 167

Work Health and Safety Committee, 167

work, health and safety management arrangements, 167–68

workforce, 12, 168–69

Workforce Strategy, 167

Working on Country plans, 24

workplace agreement, 95, 167

workplace consultative arrangements, 168

Workplace Consultative Committee, 168

workplace discrimination, 168

workplace diversity, 12, 168