Sabatino, Mario, 115

sacred matters, 136

Safe and Accessible Community Initiatives / Safe

Communities Infrastructure and Equipment /

Airstrips and Marine Transport Infrastructure, 91–2

Safe Communities Program, 88–95

case study: Social Services Community

Organisations Supported by the TSRA, 95

Key Performance Indicators – Portfolio Budget Statements, 92–4

program deliverables, 88

program expenditure, 88

program goal, 88

program objectives, 88

projects and achievements, 90–2

regional goal, 88

Torres Strait Development Plan Program Outcomes, 88

Safety Grab Bags, 92

Saibai community CD and DVD package, 18

Saibai sea wall project, 62

Savage, Saila, 116–17

sea claim see Regional Sea Claim

sea level temperature monitoring, 43

sea surface temperature monitoring logger network, 40

Seagrass Monitoring and other Related Research Activities, 37, 38, 43

seawalls and other coastal inundation works, vi, viii, 5, 40

SEEK website, 189

service delivery, 57

service mapping, 90, 92

significant events, 136

Social Inclusion Measurement and Reporting Strategy, 136

Social Services Community Organisations Supported by TSRA, 95

social support services, 90, 92–5

skills development and employment opportunities in, 93

training initiatives for, 91

Solomon Islands Rangers, 3

staff development and training, 133

staffing profile, 134–5

Statement of Expectations and Statement of Intent, 107

statement of intent to minister, 107

Stephen, Jerry, 120

strategic overview, 1–8

Support for the Provision of Mainstream Social

Services and Facilities, 90

Support Native Title activities, including

determination of claims and provision of legal

advice and support

Key Performance Indicators – Portfolio Budget Statements, 67

Support to Indigenous Broadcasting, 53

Support to Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC), 54

Support to the 2012 TSRA Board Election, 54

Support TSRA Governance Committees, 55

sustainable economic development opportunities, 42

Sustainable Horticulture, 37, 42, 46

sustainable land use plans, 41, 42