Naghir Native title claim, 62, 67, 107

National Australia Bank

and Islander Entrepreneurs Program, 28

National Broadband Network, 94

National Disability Strategy, 136

National Environmental Research Program (NERP)

funding for climate change and coastal

management projects, 40

National Environmental Research Program Tropical Ecosystems Hub, 43

National Environmental Research Program Tropical Ecosystems program, 36

National Native Title Conference (Alice Springs, 2013), 63

National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery, 107

native title, ix, 98–9

see also Support Native Title activities, including

determination of claims and provision of legal

advice and support

Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), 98

and Prescribed Bodies Corporate, viii, 56, 63, 66

and TSRA, 104

and TSRA as Native Title Representative Body, 70, 71, 104

Native Title Claims, 62

native title determinations, 64

Native Title Office (NTO), 67

and 2013 National Native Title Conference in Alice Springs, 63

consultancies, 74

and Deeds of Grant in Trust and reserve transfer matters, 66

and Indigenous Land Use Agreements, 62

and Indigenous land use agreements and future acts, 68, 85

and management of human resources, 73

and Prescribed Bodies Corporate, 66, 67

and TSRA organisational structure, 71

Native Title Program, vi, 60–9

case study: Mer Reserve Transfer, 69

and Cultural Heritage, 20, 24

Key Performance Indicators – Portfolio Budget Statements, 64–8

program deliverables, 60

program expenditure, 60

program goal, 60

program objectives, 60

projects and achievements, 62–3

regional goal, 60

statistical data, 65

Native Title Representative Body (NTRB)

TSRA as, vi, ix, 55, 70–5, 104

legislative functions, 70–1

Native Title Representative Body reporting, 70–5

Environmental Protection in Indigenous Land Use Agreements, 75

external scrutiny, 75

judicial decisions, 75

management of human resources, 73

Native Title Office consultancies, 74

performance against budget, 72

Statements for the Purpose of the Native Title Act, 75

summary resources table, 71–2

Native Title Representative Body Review, 5, 7, 55

Native Title Sea Claim see Regional Sea Claim

natural resource management activities, 41

Network Operations Centre, 128

Noah, Aven, 112–13

Nona, Maluwap, 113

non-Community Development Employment Projects employment, 26

Key Performance Indicators – Portfolio Budget Statements, 29

Northern Environment Research Program Tropical

Ecosystems (NERP TE)

Coral Monitoring Project, 38

Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council (NPARC)

and Events Coordinator, 28

and Major Infrastructure Program, 81, 82

and Northern Peninsula Area Show, 80

and Torres Strait Development Plan, 12

Northern Peninsula Area Show, 80

number of environmental health infrastructure projects completed

Key Performance Indicators – Portfolio Budget Statements, 84

number of people participating in organised healthy activities

Key Performance Indicators – Portfolio Budget Statements, 84–5