harassment see bullying and harassment

hawksbill turtles, 38, 44

Health / Healthy Homes initiatives

Community Market Gardens, 79

Improved Access to Healthy Foods, 79

Monitoring and Strategic Policy Direction for

Health, 80

Health / Healthy Lifestyles Initiatives, 80

Sport and Recreation Programs, 81

Health and Safety Committee, 133

health and safety management arrangements, 133

Health Issues Committee (HIC)

Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Health Partnership, 80

health related infrastructure, 84

health statistics, 103

healthier lifestyle program, 46

Healthy Communities Program, 76–87

case study: Major Infrastructure Program Stage 4

(MIP4) – Torres Strait Island Regional Council –

Poruma Reticulated Sewage Treatment Plant, 86

Key Performance Indicators

Portfolio Budget Statements, 84–5

Torres Strait Development Plan, 85

program deliverables, 76–7

program expenditure, 77

program goal, 76

program objectives, 76

projects and achievements, 79–83

regional goal, 76

Torres Strait Development Plan Outcomes, 77

Healthy Community Gardens and Sports, 85

healthy homes initiatives, 76

Healthy Ilan Homes Program, 80, 84

healthy initiatives

participation in, 84–5

‘Healthy Kai Kai (food) for Kids' booklet, 80

healthy lifestyles initiatives, 80

Heavy Equipment Management and Training Program (HEMTP), 82, 84

Henley Festival 2012, 25

High Court see Mabo decision; see under Regional Sea Claim

history, 98

homes ownership initiatives, 76, 77, 83, 85

Horn Island Affordable Housing Project (HIAHP), 83, 85

Horticulture in Schools program, 37, 46

housing statistics, 103

How Australia is Faring report, 136

human resources management, 133–5

Native Title Office, 73