Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD), 128–30

Economic Development Program, vi, 26–33

case study: Torres Strait Marine Training Program, 32–3

Key Performance Indicators

Portfolio Budget Statements, 29

Torres Strait Development Plan, 30–1

program deliverables, 26

program expenditure, 26

program goal, 26

program objectives, 26

projects and achievements, 27–8

regional goal, 26

Torres Strait Development Plan Outcomes, 26

education statistics, 103

Effective Governance

and Board Charter and Induction program, 55, 59

Elu, Joseph, 112

see also Chairperson

Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)

exchange scheme, 92

Emergency Relief Funding, 95

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services, 133

Employment and Training Initiatives, 28

employment opportunities, 42

in social support services, 93

employment statistics, 102

Enhanced Support for Women in Leadership, 53

Enterprise Agreement see TSRA Enterprise Agreement 2011–2014

Environment Policy, 130

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)

and Ecologically Sustainable Development, 128–30

environmental baseline data see baseline terrestrial

and marine biodiversity datasets

environmental health infrastructure projects, 84

environmental impacts from TSRA activities, 129–30

Environmental Legal and Other Requirements

Register, 129

Environmental Management Program, 34–49

case study: Biodiversity Management and

Planning – Ecological and Traditional Fire

Management in Torres Strait, 48–9

and Cultural Heritage, 20, 24

and ecologically sustainable development, 129

and fisheries management, 104

Key Performance Indicators

Portfolio Budget Statements, 41–2

Torres Strait Development Plan, 43–6

program deliverables, 34

program expenditure, 34

program goal, 34

program objectives, 34

projects and achievements, 36–41

regional goal, 34

Torres Strait Development Plan Outcomes, 34

Environmental Management system, 129, 130

environmental performance indicators, 130

Environmental Protection in Indigenous Land Use Agreements, 75

environmental risk management, 129

environmental sustainability, 128–30

equal employment opportunity, 134

Equal Employment Opportunity groups Native Title Office, 73

Native Title Office, 73

Erub Roads and Drainage Project, 82, 84

Events Coordinator, 28

executive coaching for Board members, 122

Executive Committee, 59, 123–4

meetings, 124

see also Board Executive

external scrutiny, 131

Native Title Office, 75