Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, 19, 23, 25

Caring for our Country (Working on Country) Program, 39, 41


and community visits, vi, 2

see also Elu, Joseph

Chairperson's message, 2–5

Chief Executive Officer

and community visits, vi, 2

Chief Executive Officer's message, 6–8

Child and Family Support Program, 95

climate change adaptation, viii, 46

Climate Change and Coastal Management, 40

Climate Change Strategy Action Plan, 46

Closing the Gap in Indigenous Disadvantage, vi

Building Blocks, 100–1

progress towards, 99–101

targets, 99

see also Council of Australian Governments (COAG) targets

coastal erosion, 40, 44, 46

coastal hazard mapping, 46

coastal inundation, 44, 45

coastal inundation works see seawalls and other coastal inundation works

coastal management see Climate Change and Coastal Management


and directors' and officers' liability insurance cover, 131

Common Funding Rounds, 7

Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997

(Cth), 196

and Audit Committee, 125

and Board, 6, 111

and Board Charter and Induction program, 59

and compliance report, 131

and directors' interests, 132

Commonwealth Authorities (Annual Reporting) Orders, exemptions, 136

Commonwealth Disability Strategy, 136

Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines, 131

Commonwealth Procurement Rules, 189

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

and climate change and coastal management projects, 40

communications see land and sea communications

systems; regional communications;

telecommunications coverage

Community Cultural Planning project, 18

Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP)

and marine-based training, 32

Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) program reforms, 28, 31

see also non-Community Development

Employment Projects employment Community Economic Initiatives Scheme, 28

grants, 28

community engagement, vi, 2

Community Enterprises Australia, 19

and Land and Sea Support Group Project for a Charter Vessel, 92

and sustainable horticulture, 37

Community Enterprises Australia / My Pathway, 22

Community workshops, vi

compliance report, 131

compliance with Australian Government statutes and policies, 196


Native Title Office, 74

consultants, 194–5

Coral Monitoring Project, 38

coral reef monitoring, 38, 40, 43

corporate governance and accountability, 109–36

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth)

and Prescribed Bodies Corporate, 56, 70

Council of Australian Governments (COAG)

and Closing the Gap in Indigenous Disadvantage, 99–100

and National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery, 107

Council of Australian Governments (COAG) targets

Culture, Art and Heritage, 22, 23, 24

Economic Development, 29, 30, 31

Environmental Management, 42, 43, 45, 46

Governance and Leadership, 56, 57, 58

Healthy Communities, 84, 85

Native Title, 66, 67, 68

Safe Communities, 94

Cultural Heritage

Key Performance Indicators – Portfolio Budget Statements, 24

Cultural Heritage Management, 20

see also Environmental Management Program;

Native Title Program

Cultural Maintenance, 18

Key Performance Indicators – Portfolio Budget Statements, 22–3

Cultural Policy, 18, 20

Cultural Protocols Guide, 20

culture, 98

see also Ailan Kastom – The Culture of the Torres Strait

Culture, Art and Heritage Grant Program, 21, 22

Culture, Art and Heritage Program, 16–25

case study: Henley Festival 2012, 25

Key Performance Indicators – Portfolio Budget Statements, 21–4

program deliverables, 16

program expenditure, 16

program goal, 16

program objectives, 16

projects and achievements, 18–20

regional goal, 16