Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA), Torres Shire Council (TSC), Torres Strait Island Regional Council (TSIRC), Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council (NPARC) and the Torres Straits Invasive Species Advisory Group (TSISAG) have collaboratively developed this Regional Biosecurity Plan (the Plan). The development of the Plan has been the culmination of extensive consultation with Torres Strait and NPARC communities, Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate (RNTBCs), all levels of government and research providers.

The Plan has been developed in response to the significant threats to Torres Strait’s economic, environmental, social and cultural assets and values posed by existing and potential pests from within and outside Australia, and in recognition that the most practical and effective way to manage a number of these threats is at the regional level while acknowledging and supporting the management approaches adopted by each of the Torres Strait island communities.

"To empower Torres Strait communities to minimise the impacts of weeds, pest animals and pests and diseases of plants and animals on Torres Strait’s environment, cultural places and communities."